Column selectors
A list of indicators is shown here, you can download, to Excel, PDF.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Indicator Id | SDR ID | Label |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A10 | FEFRTRWA10 | Age specific fertility rate: 10-14 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A15 | FEFRTRWA15 | Age specific fertility rate: 15-19 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A20 | FEFRTRWA20 | Age specific fertility rate: 20-24 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A25 | FEFRTRWA25 | Age specific fertility rate: 25-29 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A30 | FEFRTRWA30 | Age specific fertility rate: 30-34 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A35 | FEFRTRWA35 | Age specific fertility rate: 35-39 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A40 | FEFRTRWA40 | Age specific fertility rate: 40-44 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_A45 | FEFRTRWA45 | Age specific fertility rate: 45-49 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_TFR | FEFRTRWTFR | Total fertility rate 15-49 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_TF4 | FEFRTRWTF4 | Total fertility rate 15-44 |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_GFR | FEFRTRWGFR | General fertility rate |
Fertility | Fertility rates | Women | FE_FRTR_W_CBR | FEFRTRWCBR | Crude birth rate |
Fertility | Fertility | Women | FE_FRTY_W_PRG | FEFRTYWPRG | Percentage of women currently pregnant |
Fertility | Fertility | Women | FE_FRTY_W_NPG | FEFRTYWNPG | Number of women age 15-49 |
Fertility | Fertility | Women | FE_FRTY_W_UPG | FEFRTYWUPG | Number of women age 15-49 (unweighted) |
Fertility | Fertility | Women | FE_FRTY_W_MNC | FEFRTYWMNC | Completed fertility of women age 40-49 |
Fertility | Fertility | Women | FE_FRTY_W_N49 | FEFRTYWN49 | Number of women age 40-49 |
Fertility | Fertility | Women | FE_FRTY_W_U49 | FEFRTYWU49 | Number of women age 40-49 (unweighted) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A10 | FEFRTTWA10 | Age specific fertility rate: 10-14 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A15 | FEFRTTWA15 | Age specific fertility rate: 15-19 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A20 | FEFRTTWA20 | Age specific fertility rate: 20-24 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A25 | FEFRTTWA25 | Age specific fertility rate: 25-29 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A30 | FEFRTTWA30 | Age specific fertility rate: 30-34 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A35 | FEFRTTWA35 | Age specific fertility rate: 35-39 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A40 | FEFRTTWA40 | Age specific fertility rate: 40-44 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Fertility trends | Women | FE_FRTT_W_A45 | FEFRTTWA45 | Age specific fertility rate: 45-49 (five year periods) |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH0 | FECEBAWCH0 | Women with no children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH1 | FECEBAWCH1 | Women with 1 child ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH2 | FECEBAWCH2 | Women with 2 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH3 | FECEBAWCH3 | Women with 3 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH4 | FECEBAWCH4 | Women with 4 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH5 | FECEBAWCH5 | Women with 5 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH6 | FECEBAWCH6 | Women with 6 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH7 | FECEBAWCH7 | Women with 7 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH8 | FECEBAWCH8 | Women with 8 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_CH9 | FECEBAWCH9 | Women with 9 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_C10 | FECEBAWC10 | Women with 10+ children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_TOT | FECEBAWTOT | Women: Total |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_NUM | FECEBAWNUM | Number of women |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_UNW | FECEBAWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_MNC | FECEBAWMNC | Mean number of children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to all women | Women | FE_CEBA_W_MNL | FECEBAWMNL | Mean number of living children |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH0 | FECEBMWCH0 | Married women with no children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH1 | FECEBMWCH1 | Married women with 1 child ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH2 | FECEBMWCH2 | Married women with 2 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH3 | FECEBMWCH3 | Married women with 3 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH4 | FECEBMWCH4 | Married women with 4 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH5 | FECEBMWCH5 | Married women with 5 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH6 | FECEBMWCH6 | Married women with 6 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH7 | FECEBMWCH7 | Married women with 7 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH8 | FECEBMWCH8 | Married women with 8 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_CH9 | FECEBMWCH9 | Married women with 9 children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_C10 | FECEBMWC10 | Married women with 10+ children ever born |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_TOT | FECEBMWTOT | Married women: Total |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_NUM | FECEBMWNUM | Number of married women |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_UNW | FECEBMWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_MNC | FECEBMWMNC | Mean number of children ever born to married women |
Fertility | Children ever born to currently married women | Women | FE_CEBM_W_MNL | FECEBMWMNL | Mean number of living children to married women |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_I07 | FEBINTCI07 | Previous birth interval: 7-17 months |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_I18 | FEBINTCI18 | Previous birth interval: 18-23 months |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_I24 | FEBINTCI24 | Previous birth interval: 24-35 months |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_I36 | FEBINTCI36 | Previous birth interval: 36-47 months |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_I48 | FEBINTCI48 | Previous birth interval: 48-59 months |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_I60 | FEBINTCI60 | Previous birth interval: 60+ months |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_TOT | FEBINTCTOT | Previous birth interval: Total |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_NUM | FEBINTCNUM | Number of non-first births |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_UNW | FEBINTCUNW | Number of non-first births (unweighted) |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_MED | FEBINTCMED | Median birth interval (months) |
Fertility | Birth intervals | Children | FE_BINT_C_I3Y | FEBINTCI3Y | Previous birth interval: <36 months |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_BO1 | FEBORDCBO1 | Births of birth order 1 |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_BO2 | FEBORDCBO2 | Births of birth order 2 |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_BO3 | FEBORDCBO3 | Births of birth order 3 |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_BO4 | FEBORDCBO4 | Births of birth order 4 |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_BO5 | FEBORDCBO5 | Births of birth order 5+ |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_TOT | FEBORDCTOT | Births in the 2 years preceding the survey: Total |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_NUM | FEBORDCNUM | Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey |
Fertility | Birth order | Children | FE_BORD_C_UNW | FEBORDCUNW | Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey (Unweighted) |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_AMN | FEPPISWAMN | Postpartum amenorrheic |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_ABS | FEPPISWABS | Postpartum abstaining |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_INS | FEPPISWINS | Postpartum insusceptible |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_NUM | FEPPISWNUM | Number of births |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_UNW | FEPPISWUNW | Number of births (unweighted) |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_MNA | FEPPISWMNA | Mean duration postpartum amenorrheic |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_MNB | FEPPISWMNB | Mean duration postpartum abstaining |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility | Women | FE_PPIS_W_MNI | FEPPISWMNI | Mean duration postpartum insusceptible |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility duration | Women | FE_PPID_W_MDA | FEPPIDWMDA | Median duration postpartum amenorrheic |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility duration | Women | FE_PPID_W_MDB | FEPPIDWMDB | Median duration postpartum abstaining |
Fertility | Postpartum insusceptibility duration | Women | FE_PPID_W_MDI | FEPPIDWMDI | Median duration postpartum insusceptible |
Fertility | Menopause | Women | FE_MENO_W_PCT | FEMENOWPCT | Women age 30-49 menopausal |
Fertility | Menopause | Women | FE_MENO_W_NUM | FEMENOWNUM | Number of women age 30-49 |
Fertility | Menopause | Women | FE_MENO_W_UNW | FEMENOWUNW | Number of women age 30-49 (unweighted) |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_A15 | FEBBAGWA15 | Women giving birth by age 15 |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_A18 | FEBBAGWA18 | Women giving birth by age 18 |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_A20 | FEBBAGWA20 | Women giving birth by age 20 |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_A22 | FEBBAGWA22 | Women giving birth by age 22 |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_A25 | FEBBAGWA25 | Women giving birth by age 25 |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_NEV | FEBBAGWNEV | Women who never gave birth |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_NUM | FEBBAGWNUM | Number of women |
Fertility | Percentage who gave birth by exact age | Women | FE_BBAG_W_UNW | FEBBAGWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Fertility | Median age at first birth | Women | FE_AAFB_W_M25 | FEAAFBWM25 | Median age at first birth for women age 25-29 |
Fertility | Median age at first birth | Women | FE_AAFB_W_M30 | FEAAFBWM30 | Median age at first birth for women age 30-34 |
Fertility | Median age at first birth | Women | FE_AAFB_W_M35 | FEAAFBWM35 | Median age at first birth for women age 35-39 |
Fertility | Median age at first birth | Women | FE_AAFB_W_M40 | FEAAFBWM40 | Median age at first birth for women age 40-44 |
Fertility | Median age at first birth | Women | FE_AAFB_W_M45 | FEAAFBWM45 | Median age at first birth for women age 45-49 |
Fertility | Median age at first birth | Women | FE_AAFB_W_M2B | FEAAFBWM2B | Median age at first birth for women age 25-49 |
Fertility | Teenage pregnancy | Women | FE_TNPG_W_LVB | FETNPGWLVB | Teenagers who are mothers |
Fertility | Teenage pregnancy | Women | FE_TNPG_W_PRG | FETNPGWPRG | Teenagers who are pregnant with their first child |
Fertility | Teenage pregnancy | Women | FE_TNPG_W_CBR | FETNPGWCBR | Teenagers who have begun childbearing |
Fertility | Teenage pregnancy | Women | FE_TNPG_W_NUM | FETNPGWNUM | Number of women age 15-19 |
Fertility | Teenage pregnancy | Women | FE_TNPG_W_UNW | FETNPGWUNW | Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted) |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Women | FE_TNBH_W_MAR | FETNBHWMAR | Teenage women who married before age 15 |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Women | FE_TNBH_W_BTH | FETNBHWBTH | Teenage women who had a live birth before age 15 |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Women | FE_TNBH_W_NUM | FETNBHWNUM | Number of women age 15-19 |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Women | FE_TNBH_W_UNW | FETNBHWUNW | Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_ASN | PRDESCWASN | Desire for more children: Have another soon |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_ALT | PRDESCWALT | Desire for more children: Have another later |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_AUN | PRDESCWAUN | Desire for more children: Wants, unsure timing |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_UND | PRDESCWUND | Desire for more children: Undecided |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_WNM | PRDESCWWNM | Desire for more children: Wants no more |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_STR | PRDESCWSTR | Desire for more children: Sterilized |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_INF | PRDESCWINF | Desire for more children: Declared infecund |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_MIS | PRDESCWMIS | Desire for more children: Missing |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_TOT | PRDESCWTOT | Married women: Total |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_NUM | PRDESCWNUM | Number of currently married women |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Women | PR_DESC_W_UNW | PRDESCWUNW | Number of currently married women (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_ASN | PRDESCMASN | Desire for more children [Men]: Have another soon |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_ALT | PRDESCMALT | Desire for more children [Men]: Have another later |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_AUN | PRDESCMAUN | Desire for more children [Men]: Wants, unsure timing |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_UND | PRDESCMUND | Desire for more children [Men]: Undecided |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_WNM | PRDESCMWNM | Desire for more children [Men]: Wants no more |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_STR | PRDESCMSTR | Desire for more children [Men]: Sterilized |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_INF | PRDESCMINF | Desire for more children [Men]: Declared infecund |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_MIS | PRDESCMMIS | Desire for more children [Men]: Missing |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_TOT | PRDESCMTOT | Married men: Total |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_NUM | PRDESCMNUM | Number of currently married men |
Fertility Preferences | Desire for children | Men | PR_DESC_M_UNW | PRDESCMUNW | Number of currently married men (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Desire to limit childbearing | Women | PR_DESL_W_WNM | PRDESLWWNM | Women who want no more children |
Fertility Preferences | Desire to limit childbearing | Women | PR_DESL_W_UNW | PRDESLWUNW | Number of currently married women (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Desire to limit childbearing | Men | PR_DESL_M_WNM | PRDESLMWNM | Men who want no more children |
Fertility Preferences | Desire to limit childbearing | Men | PR_DESL_M_UNW | PRDESLMUNW | Number of currently married men (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_ID0 | PRIDLCWID0 | Ideal number of children [Women]: 0 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_ID1 | PRIDLCWID1 | Ideal number of children [Women]: 1 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_ID2 | PRIDLCWID2 | Ideal number of children [Women]: 2 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_ID3 | PRIDLCWID3 | Ideal number of children [Women]: 3 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_ID4 | PRIDLCWID4 | Ideal number of children [Women]: 4 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_ID5 | PRIDLCWID5 | Ideal number of children [Women]: 5 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_ID6 | PRIDLCWID6 | Ideal number of children [Women]: 6+ |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_IDN | PRIDLCWIDN | Ideal number of children [Women]: Non-numeric response |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_TOT | PRIDLCWTOT | Women: Total |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_NUM | PRIDLCWNUM | Number of women |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_UNW | PRIDLCWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_MNA | PRIDLCWMNA | Mean ideal number of children for all women |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_NMA | PRIDLCWNMA | Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_UNA | PRIDLCWUNA | Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_MNM | PRIDLCWMNM | Mean ideal number of children for currently married women |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_NMM | PRIDLCWNMM | Number of married women with a numeric response for ideal number of children |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Women | PR_IDLC_W_UNM | PRIDLCWUNM | Number of married women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_ID0 | PRIDLCMID0 | Ideal number of children [Men]: 0 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_ID1 | PRIDLCMID1 | Ideal number of children [Men]: 1 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_ID2 | PRIDLCMID2 | Ideal number of children [Men]: 2 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_ID3 | PRIDLCMID3 | Ideal number of children [Men]: 3 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_ID4 | PRIDLCMID4 | Ideal number of children [Men]: 4 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_ID5 | PRIDLCMID5 | Ideal number of children [Men]: 5 |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_ID6 | PRIDLCMID6 | Ideal number of children [Men]: 6+ |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_IDN | PRIDLCMIDN | Ideal number of children [Men]: Non-numeric response |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_TOT | PRIDLCMTOT | Men: Total |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_NUM | PRIDLCMNUM | Number of men |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_UNW | PRIDLCMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_MNA | PRIDLCMMNA | Mean ideal number of children for all men |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_NMA | PRIDLCMNMA | Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_UNA | PRIDLCMUNA | Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_MNM | PRIDLCMMNM | Mean ideal number of children for currently married men |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_NMM | PRIDLCMNMM | Number of married men with a numeric response for ideal number of children |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_UNM | PRIDLCMUNM | Number of married men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_M5A | PRIDLCMM5A | Mean ideal number of children for all men 15-54(59) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_N5A | PRIDLCMN5A | Number of men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_U5A | PRIDLCMU5A | Number of men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_M5M | PRIDLCMM5M | Mean ideal number of children for currently married men 15-54(59) |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_N5M | PRIDLCMN5M | Number of married men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children |
Fertility Preferences | Ideal number of children | Men | PR_IDLC_M_U5M | PRIDLCMU5M | Number of married men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Mean ideal number of children | Women | PR_MIDL_W_MNA | PRMIDLWMNA | Mean ideal number of children for all women |
Fertility Preferences | Mean ideal number of children | Women | PR_MIDL_W_NUM | PRMIDLWNUM | Number of women |
Fertility Preferences | Mean ideal number of children | Women | PR_MIDL_W_UNW | PRMIDLWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Fertility planning status | Women | PR_PLST_W_THN | PRPLSTWTHN | Percentage of births wanted then |
Fertility Preferences | Fertility planning status | Women | PR_PLST_W_LAT | PRPLSTWLAT | Percentage of births wanted later |
Fertility Preferences | Fertility planning status | Women | PR_PLST_W_NOM | PRPLSTWNOM | Percentage of births not wanted at all |
Fertility Preferences | Fertility planning status | Women | PR_PLST_W_MIS | PRPLSTWMIS | Percentage of births unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth |
Fertility Preferences | Fertility planning status | Women | PR_PLST_W_TOT | PRPLSTWTOT | Percentage of births: Total |
Fertility Preferences | Fertility planning status | Women | PR_PLST_W_NUM | PRPLSTWNUM | Number of births in the last five years |
Fertility Preferences | Fertility planning status | Women | PR_PLST_W_UNW | PRPLSTWUNW | Number of births in the last five years (unweighted) |
Fertility Preferences | Wanted fertility rates | Women | PR_WTFR_W_WFR | PRWTFRWWFR | Total wanted fertility rate |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_ANY | FPKMTAMANY | Knowledge of any method of contraception (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_MOD | FPKMTAMMOD | Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_FST | FPKMTAMFST | Knowledge of female sterilization (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_MST | FPKMTAMMST | Knowledge of male sterilization (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_PIL | FPKMTAMPIL | Knowledge of pill (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_IUD | FPKMTAMIUD | Knowledge of IUD (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_INJ | FPKMTAMINJ | Knowledge of injections (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_DFJ | FPKMTAMDFJ | Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_MCN | FPKMTAMMCN | Knowledge of condom (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_TRA | FPKMTAMTRA | Knowledge of any traditional method (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_RHY | FPKMTAMRHY | Knowledge of periodic abstinence (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_WTH | FPKMTAMWTH | Knowledge of withdrawal (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_FLK | FPKMTAMFLK | Knowledge of any folk method (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_TFK | FPKMTAMTFK | Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_MNM | FPKMTAMMNM | Mean number of methods known (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_NUM | FPKMTAMNUM | Number of men 15-49 |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_UNW | FPKMTAMUNW | Number of men 15-49 (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_UN5 | FPKMTAMUN5 | Number of men 15-54(59) (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_ANY | FPKMTMWANY | Knowledge of any method of contraception (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_MOD | FPKMTMWMOD | Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_FST | FPKMTMWFST | Knowledge of female sterilization (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_MST | FPKMTMWMST | Knowledge of male sterilization (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_PIL | FPKMTMWPIL | Knowledge of pill (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_IUD | FPKMTMWIUD | Knowledge of IUD (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_INJ | FPKMTMWINJ | Knowledge of injections (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_MCN | FPKMTMWMCN | Knowledge of condom (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_DIA | FPKMTMWDIA | Knowledge of diaphragm (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_TRA | FPKMTMWTRA | Knowledge of any traditional method (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_RHY | FPKMTMWRHY | Knowledge of periodic abstinence (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_WTH | FPKMTMWWTH | Knowledge of withdrawal (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_OTR | FPKMTMWOTR | Knowledge of other traditional methods (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_MNM | FPKMTMWMNM | Mean number of methods known (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_NUM | FPKMTMWNUM | Number of married women |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_UNW | FPKMTMWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_ANY | FPKMTMMANY | Knowledge of any method of contraception (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_MOD | FPKMTMMMOD | Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_FST | FPKMTMMFST | Knowledge of female sterilization (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_MST | FPKMTMMMST | Knowledge of male sterilization (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_PIL | FPKMTMMPIL | Knowledge of pill (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_IUD | FPKMTMMIUD | Knowledge of IUD (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_INJ | FPKMTMMINJ | Knowledge of injections (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_DFJ | FPKMTMMDFJ | Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_MCN | FPKMTMMMCN | Knowledge of condom (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_TRA | FPKMTMMTRA | Knowledge of any traditional method (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_RHY | FPKMTMMRHY | Knowledge of periodic abstinence (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_WTH | FPKMTMMWTH | Knowledge of withdrawal (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_FLK | FPKMTMMFLK | Knowledge of any folk method (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_TFK | FPKMTMMTFK | Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_MNM | FPKMTMMMNM | Mean number of contraceptive methods known (married men age 15-49) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_NUM | FPKMTMMNUM | Number of married men 15-49 |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_UNW | FPKMTMMUNW | Number of married men 15-49 (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_UN5 | FPKMTMMUN5 | Number of married men 15-54(59) (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Women | FP_KMET_W_ANY | FPKMETWANY | Knowledge of any method of contraception among married women |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Women | FP_KMET_W_MOD | FPKMETWMOD | Knowledge of any modern method of contraception amonth married women |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Women | FP_KMET_W_NUM | FPKMETWNUM | Number of married women |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Women | FP_KMET_W_UNW | FPKMETWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Men | FP_KMET_M_ANY | FPKMETMANY | Knowledge of any method of contraception among married men |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Men | FP_KMET_M_MOD | FPKMETMMOD | Knowledge of any modern method of contraception amonth married men |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Men | FP_KMET_M_NUM | FPKMETMNUM | Number of married men |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods | Men | FP_KMET_M_UNW | FPKMETMUNW | Number of married men (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_ANY | FPEVUAWANY | Ever use of any method of contraception (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_MOD | FPEVUAWMOD | Ever use of any modern method of contraception (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_FST | FPEVUAWFST | Ever use of female sterilization (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_MST | FPEVUAWMST | Ever use of male sterilization (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_PIL | FPEVUAWPIL | Ever use of pill (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_IUD | FPEVUAWIUD | Ever use of IUD (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_INJ | FPEVUAWINJ | Ever use of injections (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_MCN | FPEVUAWMCN | Ever use of condom (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_DIA | FPEVUAWDIA | Ever use of diaphragm (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_TRA | FPEVUAWTRA | Ever use of any traditional method (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_RHY | FPEVUAWRHY | Ever use of periodic abstinence (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_WTH | FPEVUAWWTH | Ever use of withdrawal (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_OTR | FPEVUAWOTR | Ever use of other traditional methods (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_NUM | FPEVUAWNUM | Number of women |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_UNW | FPEVUAWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_ANY | FPEVUAMANY | Ever use of any method of contraception (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_MOD | FPEVUAMMOD | Ever use of any modern method of contraception (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_FST | FPEVUAMFST | Ever use of female sterilization (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_PIL | FPEVUAMPIL | Ever use of pill (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_IUD | FPEVUAMIUD | Ever use of IUD (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_INJ | FPEVUAMINJ | Ever use of injections (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_DFJ | FPEVUAMDFJ | Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_MCN | FPEVUAMMCN | Ever use of condom (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_TRA | FPEVUAMTRA | Ever use of any traditional method (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_RHY | FPEVUAMRHY | Ever use of periodic abstinence (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_WTH | FPEVUAMWTH | Ever use of withdrawal (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_FLK | FPEVUAMFLK | Ever use of any folk method (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_TFK | FPEVUAMTFK | Ever use of any traditional or folk method (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_NUM | FPEVUAMNUM | Number of men |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_UNW | FPEVUAMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_ANY | FPEVUMWANY | Ever use of any method of contraception (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_MOD | FPEVUMWMOD | Ever use of any modern method of contraception (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_FST | FPEVUMWFST | Ever use of female sterilization (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_MST | FPEVUMWMST | Ever use of male sterilization (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_PIL | FPEVUMWPIL | Ever use of pill (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_IUD | FPEVUMWIUD | Ever use of IUD (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_INJ | FPEVUMWINJ | Ever use of injections (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_MCN | FPEVUMWMCN | Ever use of condom (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_DIA | FPEVUMWDIA | Ever use of diaphragm (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_TRA | FPEVUMWTRA | Ever use of any traditional method (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_RHY | FPEVUMWRHY | Ever use of periodic abstinence (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_WTH | FPEVUMWWTH | Ever use of withdrawal (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_OTR | FPEVUMWOTR | Ever use of other traditional methods (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_NUM | FPEVUMWNUM | Number of married women |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_UNW | FPEVUMWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_ANY | FPEVUMMANY | Ever use of any method of contraception (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_MOD | FPEVUMMMOD | Ever use of any modern method of contraception (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_FST | FPEVUMMFST | Ever use of female sterilization (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_PIL | FPEVUMMPIL | Ever use of pill (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_IUD | FPEVUMMIUD | Ever use of IUD (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_INJ | FPEVUMMINJ | Ever use of injections (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_DFJ | FPEVUMMDFJ | Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_MCN | FPEVUMMMCN | Ever use of condom (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_TRA | FPEVUMMTRA | Ever use of any traditional method (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_RHY | FPEVUMMRHY | Ever use of periodic abstinence (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_WTH | FPEVUMMWTH | Ever use of withdrawal (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_FLK | FPEVUMMFLK | Ever use of any folk method (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_TFK | FPEVUMMTFK | Ever use of any traditional or folk method (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_NUM | FPEVUMMNUM | Number of married men |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_UNW | FPEVUMMUNW | Number of married men (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_ANY | FPCUSAWANY | Current use of any method of contraception (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_MOD | FPCUSAWMOD | Current use of any modern method of contraception (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_FST | FPCUSAWFST | Current use of female sterilization (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_MST | FPCUSAWMST | Current use of male sterilization (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_PIL | FPCUSAWPIL | Current use of pill (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_IUD | FPCUSAWIUD | Current use of IUD (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_INJ | FPCUSAWINJ | Current use of injections (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_DFJ | FPCUSAWDFJ | Current use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_MCN | FPCUSAWMCN | Current use of condom (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_TRA | FPCUSAWTRA | Current use of any traditional method (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_RHY | FPCUSAWRHY | Current use of periodic abstinence (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_WTH | FPCUSAWWTH | Current use of withdrawal (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_BRF | FPCUSAWBRF | Current use of breastfeeding (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_FLK | FPCUSAWFLK | Current use of any folk method (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_TFK | FPCUSAWTFK | Current use of any traditional or folk method (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_NCU | FPCUSAWNCU | Women not currently using any method |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_TOT | FPCUSAWTOT | Women: Total |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_NUM | FPCUSAWNUM | Number of women |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_UNW | FPCUSAWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_ANY | FPCUSMWANY | Married women currently using any method of contraception |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_MOD | FPCUSMWMOD | Married women currently using any modern method of contraception |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_FST | FPCUSMWFST | Married women currently using female sterilization |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_MST | FPCUSMWMST | Married women currently using male sterilization |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_PIL | FPCUSMWPIL | Married women currently using pill |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_IUD | FPCUSMWIUD | Married women currently using IUD |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_INJ | FPCUSMWINJ | Married women currently using injections |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_DFJ | FPCUSMWDFJ | Married women currently using diaphragm, foam or jelly |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_MCN | FPCUSMWMCN | Married women currently using condom |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_TRA | FPCUSMWTRA | Married women currently using any traditional method |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_RHY | FPCUSMWRHY | Married women currently using periodic abstinence |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_WTH | FPCUSMWWTH | Married women currently using withdrawal |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_BRF | FPCUSMWBRF | Married women currently using breastfeeding |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_OTR | FPCUSMWOTR | Married women currently using other traditional methods |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_NCU | FPCUSMWNCU | Married women not currently using any method |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_TOT | FPCUSMWTOT | Married women: Total |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_NUM | FPCUSMWNUM | Number of married women |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_UNW | FPCUSMWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_A20 | FPASTRWA20 | Age at sterilization: <25 |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_A25 | FPASTRWA25 | Age at sterilization: 25-29 |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_A30 | FPASTRWA30 | Age at sterilization: 30-34 |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_A35 | FPASTRWA35 | Age at sterilization: 35-39 |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_A40 | FPASTRWA40 | Age at sterilization: 40-44 |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_A45 | FPASTRWA45 | Age at sterilization: 45-49 |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_TOT | FPASTRWTOT | Sterilized women: Total |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_NUM | FPASTRWNUM | Sterilized women |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_UNW | FPASTRWUNW | Sterilized women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Age at time of sterilization | Women | FP_ASTR_W_MED | FPASTRWMED | Median age at sterilization |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_PUB | FPSRCMWPUB | Current users most recent supply or information from a public source |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_GHS | FPSRCMWGHS | Current users most recent supply or information from a government hospital |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_GHC | FPSRCMWGHC | Current users most recent supply or information from a government health center |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_GFP | FPSRCMWGFP | Current users most recent supply or information from a family planning clinic |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_GMB | FPSRCMWGMB | Current users most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_GFW | FPSRCMWGFW | Current users most recent supply or information from a fieldworker |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_PRV | FPSRCMWPRV | Current users most recent supply or information from a private medical source |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_PHS | FPSRCMWPHS | Current users most recent supply or information from a private hospital/clinic |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_PPH | FPSRCMWPPH | Current users most recent supply or information from a pharmacy |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_PDR | FPSRCMWPDR | Current users most recent supply or information from a private doctor |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_PMB | FPSRCMWPMB | Current users most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_OSR | FPSRCMWOSR | Current users most recent supply or information from other non-medical sources |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_SHP | FPSRCMWSHP | Current users most recent supply or information from a shop |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_CHH | FPSRCMWCHH | Current users most recent supply or information from a church |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_FRR | FPSRCMWFRR | Current users most recent supply or information from a friend/relative |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_OTH | FPSRCMWOTH | Current users most recent supply or information from an other unspecified source |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_DKM | FPSRCMWDKM | Current users most recent supply or information from an unknown source |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_MIS | FPSRCMWMIS | Current users most recent supply or information: Missing |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_TOT | FPSRCMWTOT | Current users: Total |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_NUM | FPSRCMWNUM | Current users |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_UNW | FPSRCMWUNW | Current users (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Use of social marketing brand pills and condoms | Women | FP_SOCM_W_PIL | FPSOCMWPIL | Using social marketing brand of pill |
Family Planning | Use of social marketing brand pills and condoms | Women | FP_SOCM_W_NPL | FPSOCMWNPL | Number of women using pills |
Family Planning | Use of social marketing brand pills and condoms | Women | FP_SOCM_W_UPL | FPSOCMWUPL | Number of women using pills (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_BEF | FPKFTPWBEF | Believes fertile period is before period begins |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_DUR | FPKFTPWDUR | Believes fertile period is during her period |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_AFT | FPKFTPWAFT | Believes fertile period is after period ended |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_HLF | FPKFTPWHLF | Believes fertile period is middle of the cycle |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_OTH | FPKFTPWOTH | Believes fertile period is 'other' |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_NON | FPKFTPWNON | Believes fertile period is at any time |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_DKN | FPKFTPWDKN | Doesn't know the fertile period |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_MIS | FPKFTPWMIS | Fertile period: Missing |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_TOT | FPKFTPWTOT | Women: Total |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_NUM | FPKFTPWNUM | Number of women |
Family Planning | Knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFTP_W_UNW | FPKFTPWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Correct knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFPC_W_CKF | FPKFPCWCKF | Correct knowledge of the fertile period |
Family Planning | Correct knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFPC_W_NUM | FPKFPCWNUM | Number of women |
Family Planning | Correct knowledge of fertile period | Women | FP_KFPC_W_UNW | FPKFPCWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_UNS | FPNADMWUNS | Unmet need for family planning for spacing |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_UNL | FPNADMWUNL | Unmet need for family planning for limiting |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_UNT | FPNADMWUNT | Unmet need for family planning |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_MNS | FPNADMWMNS | Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_MNL | FPNADMWMNL | Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_MNT | FPNADMWMNT | Met need for family planning (currently using), total |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_TDS | FPNADMWTDS | Total demand for family planning for spacing |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_TDL | FPNADMWTDL | Total demand for family planning for limiting |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_TDT | FPNADMWTDT | Total demand for family planning |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_NUM | FPNADMWNUM | Number of married women |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_UNW | FPNADMWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_PDS | FPNADMWPDS | Demand for family planning satisfied |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for currently married women | Women | FP_NADM_W_PDM | FPNADMWPDM | Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_UNS | FPNADAWUNS | Unmet need for family planning for spacing (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_UNL | FPNADAWUNL | Unmet need for family planning for limiting (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_UNT | FPNADAWUNT | Unmet need for family planning, total (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_MNS | FPNADAWMNS | Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_MNL | FPNADAWMNL | Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_MNT | FPNADAWMNT | Met need for family planning (currently using), total (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_TDS | FPNADAWTDS | Total demand for family planning for spacing (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_TDL | FPNADAWTDL | Total demand for family planning for limiting (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_TDT | FPNADAWTDT | Total demand for family planning, total (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_NUM | FPNADAWNUM | Number of women |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_UNW | FPNADAWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_PDS | FPNADAWPDS | Demand for family planning satisfied (all women) |
Family Planning | Need and demand for family planning for all women | Women | FP_NADA_W_PDM | FPNADAWPDM | Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (all women) |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_INT | FPFUTUWINT | Future use of contraception: Intends to use in the future |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_I12 | FPFUTUWI12 | Future use of contraception: In next 12 months |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_ILT | FPFUTUWILT | Future use of contraception: Use later |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_IUN | FPFUTUWIUN | Future use of contraception: Unsure about timing |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_UNS | FPFUTUWUNS | Future use of contraception: Unsure about use |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_DNI | FPFUTUWDNI | Future use of contraception: Does not intend |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_DKM | FPFUTUWDKM | Future use of contraception: don't know or missing information on future intentions |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_TOT | FPFUTUWTOT | Future use of contraception: Total |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_NUM | FPFUTUWNUM | Married women not currently using a contraceptive method |
Family Planning | Future use of contraception | Women | FP_FUTU_W_UNW | FPFUTUWUNW | Married women not currently using a contraceptive method (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_OTH | FPRNIUWOTH | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_MIS | FPRNIUWMIS | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Missing |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_TOT | FPRNIUWTOT | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Total |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_NUM | FPRNIUWNUM | Married women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_UNW | FPRNIUWUNW | Married women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_UNW | FPEFPMWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_RDO | FPEFPMMRDO | Family planning messages on the radio [Men] |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_TLV | FPEFPMMTLV | Family planning messages on television [Men] |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_NON | FPEFPMMNON | Family planning messages in none of these three media [Men] |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_NUM | FPEFPMMNUM | Number of men |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_UNW | FPEFPMMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Contact of nonusers with family planning providers | Women | FP_NFPP_W_NFP | FPNFPPWNFP | Nonusers who did not discuss FP with a fieldworker or at a health facility |
Family Planning | Contact of nonusers with family planning providers | Women | FP_NFPP_W_NUM | FPNFPPWNUM | Number of nonusers of FP |
Family Planning | Contact of nonusers with family planning providers | Women | FP_NFPP_W_UNW | FPNFPPWUNW | Number of nonusers of FP (unweighted) |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_NMA | MAMSTAWNMA | Current marital status [Women]: Never married |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_MAR | MAMSTAWMAR | Current marital status [Women]: Married |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_DIV | MAMSTAWDIV | Current marital status [Women]: Divorced |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_SEP | MAMSTAWSEP | Current marital status [Women]: Not living together |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_WID | MAMSTAWWID | Current marital status [Women]: Widowed |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_TOT | MAMSTAWTOT | Women: Total |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_UNI | MAMSTAWUNI | Current marital status [Women]: Married or living in union |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_NUM | MAMSTAWNUM | Number of women |
Marriage | Current marital status | Women | MA_MSTA_W_UNW | MAMSTAWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_0WV | MACWIVW0WV | Number of co-wives: No other wives |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_1WV | MACWIVW1WV | Number of co-wives: One other wife |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_2PW | MACWIVW2PW | Number of co-wives: Two or more wives |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_DKM | MACWIVWDKM | Number of co-wives: don't know or missing |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_TOT | MACWIVWTOT | Married women: Total |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_CWV | MACWIVWCWV | Number of co-wives: One or more wives |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_NUM | MACWIVWNUM | Number of married women |
Marriage | Number of women's co-wives | Women | MA_CWIV_W_UNW | MACWIVWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Marriage | Number of men's wives | Men | MA_WIVE_M_1WV | MAWIVEM1WV | Number of wives: One wife |
Marriage | Number of men's wives | Men | MA_WIVE_M_2PW | MAWIVEM2PW | Number of wives: Two or more wives |
Marriage | Number of men's wives | Men | MA_WIVE_M_DKM | MAWIVEMDKM | Number of wives [Men]: don't know or missing |
Marriage | Number of men's wives | Men | MA_WIVE_M_TOT | MAWIVEMTOT | Number of wives: Total |
Marriage | Number of men's wives | Men | MA_WIVE_M_NUM | MAWIVEMNUM | Number of married men |
Marriage | Number of men's wives | Men | MA_WIVE_M_UNW | MAWIVEMUNW | Number of married men (unweighted) |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_B15 | MAMBAGWB15 | Women first married by exact age 15 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_B18 | MAMBAGWB18 | Women first married by exact age 18 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_B20 | MAMBAGWB20 | Women first married by exact age 20 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_B22 | MAMBAGWB22 | Women first married by exact age 22 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_B25 | MAMBAGWB25 | Women first married by exact age 25 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_NMA | MAMBAGWNMA | Women never married |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_NUM | MAMBAGWNUM | Number of women |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Women | MA_MBAG_W_UNW | MAMBAGWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Women | MA_AAFM_W_M25 | MAAAFMWM25 | Median age at first marriage [Women]: 25-29 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Women | MA_AAFM_W_M30 | MAAAFMWM30 | Median age at first marriage [Women]: 30-34 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Women | MA_AAFM_W_M35 | MAAAFMWM35 | Median age at first marriage [Women]: 35-39 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Women | MA_AAFM_W_M40 | MAAAFMWM40 | Median age at first marriage [Women]: 40-44 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Women | MA_AAFM_W_M45 | MAAAFMWM45 | Median age at first marriage [Women]: 45-49 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Women | MA_AAFM_W_M2A | MAAAFMWM2A | Median age at first marriage [Women]: 20-49 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Women | MA_AAFM_W_M2B | MAAAFMWM2B | Median age at first marriage [Women]: 25-49 |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_NNR | CMECMTCNNR | Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_NNE | CMECMTCNNE | Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_NNX | CMECMTCNNX | Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_NNL | CMECMTCNNL | Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_NNU | CMECMTCNNU | Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_PNR | CMECMTCPNR | Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_PNE | CMECMTCPNE | Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_PNX | CMECMTCPNX | Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_PNL | CMECMTCPNL | Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_PNU | CMECMTCPNU | Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_IMR | CMECMTCIMR | Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_IME | CMECMTCIME | Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_IMX | CMECMTCIMX | Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_IML | CMECMTCIML | Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_IMU | CMECMTCIMU | Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_CMR | CMECMTCCMR | Child mortality (5 year periods) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_CME | CMECMTCCME | Child mortality (5 year periods) - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_CMX | CMECMTCCMX | Child mortality (5 year periods) - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_CML | CMECMTCCML | Child mortality (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_CMU | CMECMTCCMU | Child mortality (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_U5M | CMECMTCU5M | Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_U5E | CMECMTCU5E | Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_U5X | CMECMTCU5X | Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_U5L | CMECMTCU5L | Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates (5 year) | Children | CM_ECMT_C_U5U | CMECMTCU5U | Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_NNR | CMECMRCNNR | Neonatal mortality rate |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_NNE | CMECMRCNNE | Neonatal mortality rate - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_NNX | CMECMRCNNX | Neonatal mortality rate - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_NNL | CMECMRCNNL | Neonatal mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_NNU | CMECMRCNNU | Neonatal mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_PNR | CMECMRCPNR | Postneonatal mortality rate |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_PNE | CMECMRCPNE | Postneonatal mortality - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_PNX | CMECMRCPNX | Postneonatal mortality - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_PNL | CMECMRCPNL | Postneonatal mortality - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_PNU | CMECMRCPNU | Postneonatal mortality - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_IMR | CMECMRCIMR | Infant mortality rate |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_IME | CMECMRCIME | Infant mortality rate - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_IMX | CMECMRCIMX | Infant mortality rate - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_IML | CMECMRCIML | Infant mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_IMU | CMECMRCIMU | Infant mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_CMR | CMECMRCCMR | Child mortality rate |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_CME | CMECMRCCME | Child mortality - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_CMX | CMECMRCCMX | Child mortality - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_CML | CMECMRCCML | Child mortality - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_CMU | CMECMRCCMU | Child mortality - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_U5M | CMECMRCU5M | Under-five mortality rate |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_U5E | CMECMRCU5E | Under-five mortality rate - standard error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_U5X | CMECMRCU5X | Under-five mortality rate - relative error |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_U5L | CMECMRCU5L | Under-five mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Early childhood mortality rates | Children | CM_ECMR_C_U5U | CMECMRCU5U | Under-five mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_NON | CMHRFBCNON | High-risk births: Not in any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_FOB | CMHRFBCFOB | High-risk births: First birth |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_A18 | CMHRFBCA18 | High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_A34 | CMHRFBCA34 | High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_B24 | CMHRFBCB24 | High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_BO3 | CMHRFBCBO3 | High-risk births: Birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_SNG | CMHRFBCSNG | High-risk births: Single risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_A1B | CMHRFBCA1B | High-risk births: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_A2B | CMHRFBCA2B | High-risk births: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_ABO | CMHRFBCABO | High-risk births: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_A3B | CMHRFBCA3B | High-risk births: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_BIO | CMHRFBCBIO | High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_MLT | CMHRFBCMLT | High-risk births: Multiple risk categories |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_ANY | CMHRFBCANY | High-risk births: In any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_A1S | CMHRFBCA1S | High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_A3S | CMHRFBCA3S | High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_B1S | CMHRFBCB1S | High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_B3S | CMHRFBCB3S | High-risk births: Birth order > 3 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_TOT | CMHRFBCTOT | High risk births: Total |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_NUM | CMHRFBCNUM | Number of children born in the last five years |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: births | Children | CM_HRFB_C_UNW | CMHRFBCUNW | Number of children born in the last five years (unweighted) |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_NON | CMHRFRCNON | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Not in any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_FOB | CMHRFRCFOB | High-risk fertility risk ratio: First birth |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_A18 | CMHRFRCA18 | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_A34 | CMHRFRCA34 | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_B24 | CMHRFRCB24 | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_BO3 | CMHRFRCBO3 | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_SNG | CMHRFRCSNG | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Single risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_A1B | CMHRFRCA1B | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_A2B | CMHRFRCA2B | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_ABO | CMHRFRCABO | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_A3B | CMHRFRCA3B | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_BIO | CMHRFRCBIO | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_MLT | CMHRFRCMLT | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Multiple risk categories |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_ANY | CMHRFRCANY | High-risk fertility risk ratio: In any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_A1S | CMHRFRCA1S | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_A3S | CMHRFRCA3S | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_B1S | CMHRFRCB1S | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children | CM_HRFR_C_B3S | CMHRFRCB3S | High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_NON | CMHRFRUNON | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Not in any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_FOB | CMHRFRUFOB | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: First birth |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_A18 | CMHRFRUA18 | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age < 18 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_A34 | CMHRFRUA34 | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age > 34 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_B24 | CMHRFRUB24 | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_BO3 | CMHRFRUBO3 | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_SNG | CMHRFRUSNG | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Single risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_A1B | CMHRFRUA1B | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_A2B | CMHRFRUA2B | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_ABO | CMHRFRUABO | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_A3B | CMHRFRUA3B | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_BIO | CMHRFRUBIO | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_MLT | CMHRFRUMLT | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Multiple risk categories |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_ANY | CMHRFRUANY | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: In any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_A1S | CMHRFRUA1S | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age < 18 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_A3S | CMHRFRUA3S | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age > 34 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_B1S | CMHRFRUB1S | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio | Children (unw) | CM_HRFR_U_B3S | CMHRFRUB3S | Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth order > 3 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_NON | CMHRFWWNON | High-risk fertility behavior: Not in any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_FOB | CMHRFWWFOB | High-risk fertility behavior: First birth |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_A18 | CMHRFWWA18 | High-risk fertility behavior: Mother's age < 18 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_A34 | CMHRFWWA34 | High-risk fertility behavior: Mother's age > 34 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_B24 | CMHRFWWB24 | High-risk fertility behavior: Birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_BO3 | CMHRFWWBO3 | High-risk fertility behavior: Birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_SNG | CMHRFWWSNG | High-risk fertility behavior: Single risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_A1B | CMHRFWWA1B | High-risk fertility behavior: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_A2B | CMHRFWWA2B | High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_ABO | CMHRFWWABO | High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_A3B | CMHRFWWA3B | High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_BIO | CMHRFWWBIO | High-risk fertility behavior: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_MLT | CMHRFWWMLT | High-risk fertility behavior: Multiple risk categories |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_ANY | CMHRFWWANY | High-risk fertility behavior: In any risk category |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_A1S | CMHRFWWA1S | High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_A3S | CMHRFWWA3S | High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_B1S | CMHRFWWB1S | High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_B3S | CMHRFWWB3S | High-risk births: Birth order > 3 subtotal |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_TOT | CMHRFWWTOT | High risk fertility behavior: Total |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_NUM | CMHRFWWNUM | Number of married women |
Infant and Child Mortality | High-risk fertility behaviour: women | Women | CM_HRFW_W_UNW | CMHRFWWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_DOC | RHANCPWDOC | Antenatal care provider: Doctor |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_NRS | RHANCPWNRS | Antenatal care provider: Nurse/midwife |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_OHW | RHANCPWOHW | Antenatal care provider: Other health worker |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_TBA | RHANCPWTBA | Antenatal care provider: Traditional birth attendant |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_OTH | RHANCPWOTH | Antenatal care provider: Other |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_MIS | RHANCPWMIS | Antenatal care provider: Missing |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_NON | RHANCPWNON | No antenatal care |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_TOT | RHANCPWTOT | Antenatal care: Total |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_SKP | RHANCPWSKP | Antenatal care from a skilled provider |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_NUM | RHANCPWNUM | Number of women with a live birth in the last five (or three) years |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_UNW | RHANCPWUNW | Number of women with a live birth in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Number of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCN_W_NON | RHANCNWNON | Antenatal visits for pregnancy: None |
Reproductive Health | Number of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCN_W_N01 | RHANCNWN01 | Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 1 |
Reproductive Health | Number of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCN_W_N23 | RHANCNWN23 | Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 2-3 visits |
Reproductive Health | Number of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCN_W_N4P | RHANCNWN4P | Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 4+ visits |
Reproductive Health | Number of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCN_W_DKM | RHANCNWDKM | Antenatal visits for pregnancy: don't know or missing |
Reproductive Health | Number of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCN_W_TOT | RHANCNWTOT | Number of women with a birth in the last five (or three) years |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_NON | RHANCTWNON | Timing of first antenatal check: No antenatal care |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_TL4 | RHANCTWTL4 | Timing of first antenatal check: Less than 4 months |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_T45 | RHANCTWT45 | Timing of first antenatal check: 4-5 months |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_T67 | RHANCTWT67 | Timing of first antenatal check: 6-7 months |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_T8P | RHANCTWT8P | Timing of first antenatal check: 8+ months |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_DKM | RHANCTWDKM | Timing of first antenatal check: don't know or missing information on timing |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_TOT | RHANCTWTOT | Timing of first antenatal check: Total |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_NUM | RHANCTWNUM | Number of women with a birth in the last five (or three) years |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_UNW | RHANCTWUNW | Number of women with a birth in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_MED | RHANCTWMED | Median months of pregnancy at first antenatal care visit |
Reproductive Health | Timing of antenatal care visits | Women | RH_ANCT_W_NMA | RHANCTWNMA | Number of women with a birth in the last five (or three) years receiving antenatal care (ANC) |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_TT0 | RHTTIJWTT0 | Tetanus injections before birth: None |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_TT1 | RHTTIJWTT1 | Tetanus injections before birth: One dose |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_TT2 | RHTTIJWTT2 | Tetanus injections before birth: Two doses or more |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_DKM | RHTTIJWDKM | Tetanus injections before birth: don't know or missing |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_TOT | RHTTIJWTOT | Tetanus injections before birth: Total |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_NUM | RHTTIJWNUM | Number of mothers with a last live births in the last five (or three) years |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_UNW | RHTTIJWUNW | Number of mothers with a last live births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_PUB | RHDELPCPUB | Place of delivery: Public sector |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_PRV | RHDELPCPRV | Place of delivery: Private sector |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_HOM | RHDELPCHOM | Place of delivery: At home |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_OTH | RHDELPCOTH | Place of delivery: Other |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_DKM | RHDELPCDKM | Place of delivery: don't know or missing |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_TOT | RHDELPCTOT | Place of delivery: Total |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_DHF | RHDELPCDHF | Place of delivery: Health facility |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_NUM | RHDELPCNUM | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years |
Reproductive Health | Place of delivery | Children | RH_DELP_C_UNW | RHDELPCUNW | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_DOC | RHDELACDOC | Assistance during delivery: Doctor |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_NRS | RHDELACNRS | Assistance during delivery: Nurse/midwife |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_OHW | RHDELACOHW | Assistance during delivery: Other health worker |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_TBA | RHDELACTBA | Assistance during delivery: Traditional birth attendant |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_REL | RHDELACREL | Assistance during delivery: Relative or other |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_NON | RHDELACNON | Assistance during delivery: No one |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_DKM | RHDELACDKM | Assistance during delivery: don't know or missing |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_TOT | RHDELACTOT | Assistance during delivery: Total |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_SKP | RHDELACSKP | Assistance during delivery from a skilled provider |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_CSC | RHDELACCSC | Delivery by cesarean section |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_NUM | RHDELACNUM | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years |
Reproductive Health | Assistance during delivery | Children | RH_DELA_C_UNW | RHDELACUNW | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_VSM | CHSZWTCVSM | Size of child at birth: Very small |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_SML | CHSZWTCSML | Size of child at birth: Smaller than average |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_AVG | CHSZWTCAVG | Size of child at birth: Average or larger |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_DKM | CHSZWTCDKM | Size of child at birth: don't know or missing |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_TOT | CHSZWTCTOT | Size of child at birth: Total |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_REP | CHSZWTCREP | Birth weight of child reported |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_NUM | CHSZWTCNUM | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_UNW | CHSZWTCUNW | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_L25 | CHSZWTCL25 | Birth weight: Less than 2.5 kg |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_NM1 | CHSZWTCNM1 | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years with a numerical birth weight reported |
Child Health | Child's size and weight at birth | Children | CH_SZWT_C_UN1 | CHSZWTCUN1 | Number of live births in the last five (or three) years with a numerical birth weight reported (unweighted) |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_BCG | CHVACSCBCG | BCG vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_DP1 | CHVACSCDP1 | DPT 1 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_DP2 | CHVACSCDP2 | DPT 2 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_DP3 | CHVACSCDP3 | DPT 3 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_OP1 | CHVACSCOP1 | Polio 1 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_OP2 | CHVACSCOP2 | Polio 2 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_OP3 | CHVACSCOP3 | Polio 3 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_MSL | CHVACSCMSL | Measles vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_BAS | CHVACSCBAS | Received all 8 basic vaccinations |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_NON | CHVACSCNON | Received no vaccinations |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_NUM | CHVACSCNUM | Number of children 12-23 months |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_UNW | CHVACSCUNW | Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted) |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_BCG | CHVACCCBCG | BCG vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_DP1 | CHVACCCDP1 | DPT1 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_DP2 | CHVACCCDP2 | DPT2 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_DP3 | CHVACCCDP3 | DPT3 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_OP1 | CHVACCCOP1 | Polio1 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_OP2 | CHVACCCOP2 | Polio2 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_OP3 | CHVACCCOP3 | Polio3 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_MSL | CHVACCCMSL | Measles vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_BAS | CHVACCCBAS | Received all 8 basic vaccinations |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_NON | CHVACCCNON | Received no vaccinations |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_VCD | CHVACCCVCD | Percentage showing a vaccination card |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_NUM | CHVACCCNUM | Number of children 12-23 months |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_UNW | CHVACCCUNW | Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted) |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_BCG | CHVAC1CBCG | BCG vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_DP1 | CHVAC1CDP1 | DPT1 vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_DP2 | CHVAC1CDP2 | DPT2 vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_DP3 | CHVAC1CDP3 | DPT3 vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_OP1 | CHVAC1COP1 | Polio1 vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_OP2 | CHVAC1COP2 | Polio2 vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_OP3 | CHVAC1COP3 | Polio3 vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_MSL | CHVAC1CMSL | Measles vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_BAS | CHVAC1CBAS | Received all 8 basic vaccinations in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_NON | CHVAC1CNON | Received no vaccinations in first year |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_VCD | CHVAC1CVCD | Percentage showing a vaccination card |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_NUM | CHVAC1CNUM | Number of children one to four years of age |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_UNW | CHVAC1CUNW | Number of children one to four years of age (unweighted) |
Child Health | Prevalence and treatment of symptoms of ARI | Children | CH_ARIS_C_ARI | CHARISCARI | Children with symptoms of ARI |
Child Health | Prevalence and treatment of symptoms of ARI | Children | CH_ARIS_C_NUM | CHARISCNUM | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years |
Child Health | Prevalence and treatment of symptoms of ARI | Children | CH_ARIS_C_UNW | CHARISCUNW | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Child Health | Prevalence and treatment of symptoms of ARI | Children | CH_ARIS_C_ADV | CHARISCADV | Children with symptoms of ARI taken to a health facility |
Child Health | Prevalence and treatment of symptoms of ARI | Children | CH_ARIS_C_NM2 | CHARISCNM2 | Number of children with symptoms of ARI born in the last five (or three) years |
Child Health | Prevalence and treatment of symptoms of ARI | Children | CH_ARIS_C_UN2 | CHARISCUN2 | Number of children with symptoms of ARI born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Child Health | Prevalence of fever | Children | CH_FEVR_C_FEV | CHFEVRCFEV | Children with fever in the last two weeks |
Child Health | Prevalence of fever | Children | CH_FEVR_C_NUM | CHFEVRCNUM | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years |
Child Health | Prevalence of fever | Children | CH_FEVR_C_UNW | CHFEVRCUNW | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Child Health | Treatment of fever | Children | CH_FEVT_C_ADV | CHFEVTCADV | Advice or treatment for fever sought from a health facility or provider |
Child Health | Treatment of fever | Children | CH_FEVT_C_NUM | CHFEVTCNUM | Number of children with fever in the last two weeks |
Child Health | Treatment of fever | Children | CH_FEVT_C_UNW | CHFEVTCUNW | Number of children with fever in the last two weeks (unweighted) |
Child Health | Prevalence of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAR_C_DIA | CHDIARCDIA | Children with diarrhea |
Child Health | Prevalence of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAR_C_DIB | CHDIARCDIB | Children with diarrhea with blood in the stools |
Child Health | Prevalence of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAR_C_NUM | CHDIARCNUM | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years |
Child Health | Prevalence of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAR_C_UNW | CHDIARCUNW | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_ADV | CHDIATCADV | Treatment of diarrhea: Taken to a health facility |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_ORS | CHDIATCORS | Treatment of diarrhea: Oral rehydration solution (ORS) |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_RHF | CHDIATCRHF | Treatment of diarrhea: Recommended home fluids (RHF) at home |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_ORT | CHDIATCORT | Treatment of diarrhea: Either ORS or RHF |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_INC | CHDIATCINC | Treatment of diarrhea: Increased fluids |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_ORI | CHDIATCORI | Treatment of diarrhea: ORT or increased fluids |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_NON | CHDIATCNON | Treatment of diarrhea: No ORS, RHF or increased fluids |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_ABI | CHDIATCABI | Treatment of diarrhea: Antibiotics |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_IVS | CHDIATCIVS | Treatment of diarrhea: Intravenous solution |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_HOM | CHDIATCHOM | Treatment of diarrhea: Home remedy - other |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_NOT | CHDIATCNOT | Treatment of diarrhea: No treatment |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_DKM | CHDIATCDKM | Treatment of diarrhea: don't know or missing |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_NUM | CHDIATCNUM | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_UNW | CHDIATCUNW | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LMR | CHDIFPCLMR | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Increased amount of fluids |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LSM | CHDIFPCLSM | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Same amount of fluids |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LDC | CHDIFPCLDC | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Decreased amount of fluids |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LDK | CHDIFPCLDK | Feeding practices during diarrhea: don't know or missing on fluids given |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LTO | CHDIFPCLTO | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Total |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FMR | CHDIFPCFMR | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Increased amount of food |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FSM | CHDIFPCFSM | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Same amount of food |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FDC | CHDIFPCFDC | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Decreased amount of food |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FDK | CHDIFPCFDK | Feeding practices during diarrhea: don't know or missing on food given |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FTO | CHDIFPCFTO | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Total |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FCF | CHDIFPCFCF | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Given increased fluids and continued feeding |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FAL | CHDIFPCFAL | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Continued feeding, and ORT and/or increased fluids |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_NUM | CHDIFPCNUM | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years who had diarrhea in the last two weeks |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_UNW | CHDIFPCUNW | Number of children born in the last five (or three) years who had diarrhea in the last two weeks (unweighted) |
Child Health | Knowledge of ORS packets or pre-packaged liquids | Women | CH_KORS_W_ORS | CHKORSWORS | Knowledge of ORS |
Child Health | Knowledge of ORS packets or pre-packaged liquids | Women | CH_KORS_W_NUM | CHKORSWNUM | Number of women with a live birth in the last five years |
Child Health | Knowledge of ORS packets or pre-packaged liquids | Women | CH_KORS_W_UNW | CHKORSWUNW | Number of women with a live birth in the last five years (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_HA3 | CNNUTSCHA3 | Children severely stunted |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_HA2 | CNNUTSCHA2 | Children stunted |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_HAM | CNNUTSCHAM | Mean height for age of children |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WH3 | CNNUTSCWH3 | Children severely wasted |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WH2 | CNNUTSCWH2 | Children wasted |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WHP | CNNUTSCWHP | Children overweight |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WHM | CNNUTSCWHM | Mean weight for height of children |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WA3 | CNNUTSCWA3 | Children severely underweight |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WA2 | CNNUTSCWA2 | Children underweight |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WAP | CNNUTSCWAP | Children overweight for their age |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_WAM | CNNUTSCWAM | Mean weight for age of children |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_NUM | CNNUTSCNUM | Number of children under age five |
Child Nutrition | Nutritional status of children | Children | CN_NUTS_C_UNW | CNNUTSCUNW | Number of children under age five (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_EVR | CNBRFICEVR | Children ever breastfed |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_NUM | CNBRFICNUM | Number of last-born children born in the last two years |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_UNW | CNBRFICUNW | Number of last-born children born in the last two years (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_NME | CNBRFICNME | Number of last-born children ever breastfed |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_UNE | CNBRFICUNE | Number of last-born children ever breastfed (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_NOT | CNBRFSCNOT | Children not breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_EXB | CNBRFSCEXB | Children exclusively breastfed |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_WAT | CNBRFSCWAT | Children breastfeeding and consuming plain water only |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_MLK | CNBRFSCMLK | Children breastfeeding and consuming other milk |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_CMP | CNBRFSCCMP | Children breastfeeding and consuming complementary foods |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_TOT | CNBRFSCTOT | Children: Total |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_BRF | CNBRFSCBRF | Children currently breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_NUM | CNBRFSCNUM | Number of youngest children under two years living with the mother |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_UNW | CNBRFSCUNW | Number of youngest children under two years living with the mother (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_BNP | CNBRFSCBNP | Children using a bottle with a nipple |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_NM2 | CNBRFSCNM2 | Number of children under two years of age |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_UN2 | CNBRFSCUN2 | Number of children under two years of age (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_MDA | CNBFDRCMDA | Median duration of any breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_MDE | CNBFDRCMDE | Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_MDP | CNBFDRCMDP | Median duration of predominant breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_MNA | CNBFDRCMNA | Mean duration of any breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_MNE | CNBFDRCMNE | Mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_MNP | CNBFDRCMNP | Mean duration of predominant breastfeeding |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_NUM | CNBFDRCNUM | Number of children |
Child Nutrition | Duration of breastfeeding | Children | CN_BFDR_C_UNW | CNBFDRCUNW | Number of children (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_INF | CNFDBFCINF | Breastfeeding children receiving infant formula |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_MLK | CNFDBFCMLK | Breastfeeding children receiving other milk |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_LIQ | CNFDBFCLIQ | Breastfeeding children receiving other liquids |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_NUM | CNFDBFCNUM | Number of children being breastfed |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_UNW | CNFDBFCUNW | Number of children being breastfed (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_NUM | CNFDNBCNUM | Number of children not being breastfed |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_UNW | CNFDNBCUNW | Number of children not being breastfed (unweighted) |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_NED | EDEDATWNED | Female population age 6 and over with no education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_SPR | EDEDATWSPR | Female population age 6 and over with some primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_CPR | EDEDATWCPR | Female population age 6 and over with completed primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_SSC | EDEDATWSSC | Female population age 6 and over with some secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_CSC | EDEDATWCSC | Female population age 6 and over with completed secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_HGH | EDEDATWHGH | Female population age 6 and over who attended higher education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_DKM | EDEDATWDKM | Female population age 6 and over with don't know or missing information on level of education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_TOT | EDEDATWTOT | Female population age 6 and over: Total |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_PRI | EDEDATWPRI | Female population age 6 and over who attended primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_SEC | EDEDATWSEC | Female population age 6 and over who attended secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_NUM | EDEDATWNUM | Number of female household members age 6 and over |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_UNW | EDEDATWUNW | Number of female household members age 6 and over (unweighted) |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Women | ED_EDAT_W_MYR | EDEDATWMYR | Median number of years of education: Female |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_NED | EDEDATMNED | Male population age 6 and over with no education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_SPR | EDEDATMSPR | Male population age 6 and over with some primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_CPR | EDEDATMCPR | Male population age 6 and over with completed primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_SSC | EDEDATMSSC | Male population age 6 and over with some secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_CSC | EDEDATMCSC | Male population age 6 and over with completed secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_HGH | EDEDATMHGH | Male population age 6 and over who attended higher education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_DKM | EDEDATMDKM | Male population age 6 and over with don't know or missing information on level of education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_TOT | EDEDATMTOT | Male population age 6 and over: Total |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_PRI | EDEDATMPRI | Male population age 6 and over who attended primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_SEC | EDEDATMSEC | Male population age 6 and over who attended secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_NUM | EDEDATMNUM | Number of male household members age 6 and over |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_UNW | EDEDATMUNW | Number of male household members age 6 and over (unweighted) |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Men | ED_EDAT_M_MYR | EDEDATMMYR | Median number of years of education: Male |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_NED | EDEDATBNED | Population age 6 and over with no education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_SPR | EDEDATBSPR | Population age 6 and over with some primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_CPR | EDEDATBCPR | Population age 6 and over with completed primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_SSC | EDEDATBSSC | Population age 6 and over with some secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_CSC | EDEDATBCSC | Population age 6 and over with completed secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_HGH | EDEDATBHGH | Population age 6 and over who attended higher education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_DKM | EDEDATBDKM | Population age 6 and over with don't know or missing information on level of education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_TOT | EDEDATBTOT | Population age 6 and over: Total |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_PRI | EDEDATBPRI | Population age 6 and over who attended primary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_SEC | EDEDATBSEC | Population age 6 and over who attended secondary education |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_NUM | EDEDATBNUM | Number of household members age 6 and over |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_UNW | EDEDATBUNW | Number of household members age 6 and over (unweighted) |
Education | Educational attainment of the household population | Both sexes | ED_EDAT_B_MYR | EDEDATBMYR | Median number of years of education: Both sexes |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_NED | EDEDUCWNED | Women with no education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_SPR | EDEDUCWSPR | Women with some primary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_CPR | EDEDUCWCPR | Women with completed primary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_SSC | EDEDUCWSSC | Women with some secondary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_CSC | EDEDUCWCSC | Women with completed secondary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_HGH | EDEDUCWHGH | Women with more than secondary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_TOT | EDEDUCWTOT | Women: Total |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_PRI | EDEDUCWPRI | Women with primary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_SEH | EDEDUCWSEH | Women with secondary or higher education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_NUM | EDEDUCWNUM | Number of women |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_UNW | EDEDUCWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_NED | EDEDUCMNED | Men with no education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_SPR | EDEDUCMSPR | Men with some primary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_CPR | EDEDUCMCPR | Men with completed primary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_SSC | EDEDUCMSSC | Men with some secondary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_CSC | EDEDUCMCSC | Men with completed secondary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_HGH | EDEDUCMHGH | Men with more than secondary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_TOT | EDEDUCMTOT | Men's education: Total |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_PRI | EDEDUCMPRI | Men with primary education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_SEH | EDEDUCMSEH | Men with secondary or higher education |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_MYR | EDEDUCMMYR | Median years of education completed [Men] |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_NUM | EDEDUCMNUM | Number of men |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Men | ED_EDUC_M_UNW | EDEDUCMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_IMP | WSSRCEHIMP | Households using an improved water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_PIP | WSSRCEHPIP | Households using water piped into dwelling |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_PYD | WSSRCEHPYD | Households using water piped into yard/plot |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_TAP | WSSRCEHTAP | Households using a public tap/standpipe |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_TUB | WSSRCEHTUB | Households using a tubewell/borehole |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_RNW | WSSRCEHRNW | Households using rainwater |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_TNK | WSSRCEHTNK | Households using tanker truck |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_NIM | WSSRCEHNIM | Households using an unimproved water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_UWL | WSSRCEHUWL | Households using an unprotected well water |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_SRF | WSSRCEHSRF | Households using surface water |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_OTH | WSSRCEHOTH | Households using other water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_DKM | WSSRCEHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_TOT | WSSRCEHTOT | Households: Total |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_IOP | WSSRCEHIOP | Households with improved water source on the premises |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_BAS | WSSRCEHBAS | Households with basic water service |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_LTD | WSSRCEHLTD | Households with limited water service |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_IMP | WSSRCEPIMP | Population living in households using an improved water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_PIP | WSSRCEPPIP | Population living in households using water piped into dwelling |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_PYD | WSSRCEPPYD | Population living in households using water piped into yard/plot |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_TAP | WSSRCEPTAP | Population living in households using a public tap/standpipe |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_TUB | WSSRCEPTUB | Population living in households using a tubewell/borehole |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_RNW | WSSRCEPRNW | Population living in households using rainwater |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_TNK | WSSRCEPTNK | Population living in households using tanker truck |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_NIM | WSSRCEPNIM | Population living in households using an unimproved water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_UWL | WSSRCEPUWL | Population living in households using an unprotected well water |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_SRF | WSSRCEPSRF | Population living in households using surface water |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_OTH | WSSRCEPOTH | Population living in households using other water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_DKM | WSSRCEPDKM | Population living in households with don't know or missing information on water source |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_TOT | WSSRCEPTOT | Population living in households: Total |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_IOP | WSSRCEPIOP | Population living in households with improved water source on the premises |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_BAS | WSSRCEPBAS | Population living in households with basic water service |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_LTD | WSSRCEPLTD | Population living in households with limited water service |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Households | WS_TIME_H_ONP | WSTIMEHONP | Households with water on the premises |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Households | WS_TIME_H_L30 | WSTIMEHL30 | Households with water 30 minutes or less away round trip |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Households | WS_TIME_H_M30 | WSTIMEHM30 | Households with water more than 30 minutes away round trip |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Households | WS_TIME_H_DKM | WSTIMEHDKM | Household with unknown or missing information on round trip time to water |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Households | WS_TIME_H_TOT | WSTIMEHTOT | Households: Total |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Population | WS_TIME_P_ONP | WSTIMEPONP | Population living in households with water on the premises |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Population | WS_TIME_P_L30 | WSTIMEPL30 | Population living in households with water 30 minutes or less away round trip |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Population | WS_TIME_P_M30 | WSTIMEPM30 | Population living in households with water more than 30 minutes away round trip |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Population | WS_TIME_P_DKM | WSTIMEPDKM | Population living in households with unknown or missing information on round trip time to water |
Water and Sanitation | Time to obtain drinking water (round trip) | Population | WS_TIME_P_TOT | WSTIMEPTOT | Population living in households: Total |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_NUM | WSWTRTHNUM | Number of households |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_UNW | WSWTRTHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_NUM | WSWTRTPNUM | Number of persons |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_UNW | WSWTRTPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_IMP | WSTLETHIMP | Households with an improved sanitation facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_FUN | WSTLETHFUN | Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to an unknown location |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_NIM | WSTLETHNIM | Households with an unimproved sanitation facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_NPT | WSTLETHNPT | Households with a pit latrine without a slab or an open pit |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_NBK | WSTLETHNBK | Households with a bucket toilet |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_NFC | WSTLETHNFC | Households using open defecation |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_OTH | WSTLETHOTH | Households using other types of toilet facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_DKM | WSTLETHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on toilet facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_TOT | WSTLETHTOT | Households total |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_NUM | WSTLETHNUM | Number of households |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_UNW | WSTLETHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_IMP | WSTLETPIMP | Population living in households with an improved sanitation facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_FUN | WSTLETPFUN | Population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to an unknown location |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_NIM | WSTLETPNIM | Population living in households with an unimproved sanitation facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_NPT | WSTLETPNPT | Population living in households with a pit latrine without a slab or an open pit |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_NBK | WSTLETPNBK | Population living in households with a bucket toilet |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_NFC | WSTLETPNFC | Population living in households using open defecation |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_OTH | WSTLETPOTH | Population living in households using other types of toilet facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_DKM | WSTLETPDKM | Population living in households with don't know or missing information on toilet facility |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_TOT | WSTLETPTOT | Population living in households total |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_NUM | WSTLETPNUM | Number of persons |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_UNW | WSTLETPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Electricity | Households | HC_ELEC_H_ELC | HCELECHELC | Households with electricity |
Household Characteristics | Electricity | Households | HC_ELEC_H_NEL | HCELECHNEL | Households with no electricity |
Household Characteristics | Electricity | Households | HC_ELEC_H_DKM | HCELECHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on electricity |
Household Characteristics | Electricity | Population | HC_ELEC_P_ELC | HCELECPELC | Population with electricity |
Household Characteristics | Electricity | Population | HC_ELEC_P_NEL | HCELECPNEL | Population with no electricity |
Household Characteristics | Electricity | Population | HC_ELEC_P_DKM | HCELECPDKM | Population with don't know or missing information on electricity |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Households | HC_RMSL_H_1RM | HCRMSLH1RM | Households with one room for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Households | HC_RMSL_H_2RM | HCRMSLH2RM | Households with two rooms for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Households | HC_RMSL_H_3RM | HCRMSLH3RM | Households with three or more rooms for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Households | HC_RMSL_H_DKM | HCRMSLHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on rooms for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Households | HC_RMSL_H_TOT | HCRMSLHTOT | Households total |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Households | HC_RMSL_H_NUM | HCRMSLHNUM | Number of households |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Households | HC_RMSL_H_UNW | HCRMSLHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Population | HC_RMSL_P_1RM | HCRMSLP1RM | Population with one room for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Population | HC_RMSL_P_2RM | HCRMSLP2RM | Population with two rooms for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Population | HC_RMSL_P_3RM | HCRMSLP3RM | Population with three or more rooms for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Population | HC_RMSL_P_DKM | HCRMSLPDKM | Population with don't know or missing information on rooms for sleeping |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Population | HC_RMSL_P_TOT | HCRMSLPTOT | Population total |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Population | HC_RMSL_P_NUM | HCRMSLPNUM | Number of persons |
Household Characteristics | Rooms used for sleeping | Population | HC_RMSL_P_UNW | HCRMSLPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Household characteristics | Households | HC_CHAR_H_NUM | HCCHARHNUM | Number of households |
Household Characteristics | Household characteristics | Households | HC_CHAR_H_UNW | HCCHARHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Household characteristics | Population | HC_CHAR_P_NUM | HCCHARPNUM | Number of persons |
Household Characteristics | Household characteristics | Population | HC_CHAR_P_UNW | HCCHARPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_12P | HCPPRMH12P | Households with 1-2 persons per sleeping room |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_34P | HCPPRMH34P | Households with 3-4 persons per sleeping room |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_56P | HCPPRMH56P | Households with 5-6 persons per sleeping room |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_7PP | HCPPRMH7PP | Households with 7 + persons per sleeping room |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_DKM | HCPPRMHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on sleeping rooms |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_TOT | HCPPRMHTOT | Households: Total |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_MNP | HCPPRMHMNP | Mean number of persons per sleeping room |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_NUM | HCPPRMHNUM | Number of households |
Household Characteristics | Persons per sleeping room | Households | HC_PPRM_H_UNW | HCPPRMHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_RDO | HCHEFFHRDO | Households possessing a radio |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_TLV | HCHEFFHTLV | Households possessing a television |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_FRG | HCHEFFHFRG | Households possessing a refrigerator |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_NUM | HCHEFFHNUM | Number of households |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_UNW | HCHEFFHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Household means of transport | Households | HC_TRNS_H_BIK | HCTRNSHBIK | Households possessing a bicycle |
Household Characteristics | Household means of transport | Households | HC_TRNS_H_SCT | HCTRNSHSCT | Households possessing a motorcycle |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_LOW | HCWIXQPLOW | Population in the lowest wealth quintile |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_2ND | HCWIXQP2ND | Population in the second wealth quintile |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_MID | HCWIXQPMID | Population in the middle wealth quintile |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_4TH | HCWIXQP4TH | Population in the fourth wealth quintile |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_HGH | HCWIXQPHGH | Population in the highest wealth quintile |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_TOT | HCWIXQPTOT | Population total |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_NUM | HCWIXQPNUM | Number of persons |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_UNW | HCWIXQPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_004 | HCAGEGP004 | Percentage of population age 0-4 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_059 | HCAGEGP059 | Percentage of population age 5-9 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_104 | HCAGEGP104 | Percentage of population age 10-14 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_159 | HCAGEGP159 | Percentage of population age 15-19 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_204 | HCAGEGP204 | Percentage of population age 20-24 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_259 | HCAGEGP259 | Percentage of population age 25-29 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_304 | HCAGEGP304 | Percentage of population age 30-34 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_359 | HCAGEGP359 | Percentage of population age 35-39 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_404 | HCAGEGP404 | Percentage of population age 40-44 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_459 | HCAGEGP459 | Percentage of population age 45-49 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_504 | HCAGEGP504 | Percentage of population age 50-54 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_559 | HCAGEGP559 | Percentage of population age 55-59 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_604 | HCAGEGP604 | Percentage of population age 60-64 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_659 | HCAGEGP659 | Percentage of population age 65-69 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_704 | HCAGEGP704 | Percentage of population age 70-74 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_759 | HCAGEGP759 | Percentage of population age 75-79 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_80P | HCAGEGP80P | Percentage of population age 80 + |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_DKM | HCAGEGPDKM | Percentage of population with age don't know or missing |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_TOT | HCAGEGPTOT | Percentage of population: Total |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_NUM | HCAGEGPNUM | Household population |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_UNW | HCAGEGPUNW | Household population (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_014 | HCAGEGP014 | Dependency age group 0-14 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_WRK | HCAGEGPWRK | Dependency age group 15-64 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_SNR | HCAGEGPSNR | Dependency age group 65+ |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_DK1 | HCAGEGPDK1 | Percentage of population with age DK/missing |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_CHL | HCAGEGPCHL | Child population 0-17 |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_ADT | HCAGEGPADT | Adult population 18+ |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_DK2 | HCAGEGPDK2 | Percentage of population with age DK/missing |
Household Characteristics | Age of population | Population | HC_AGEG_P_ADL | HCAGEGPADL | Adolescents 10-19 |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Households | HC_OLDR_H_W65 | HCOLDRHW65 | Households with members age 65+ |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Households | HC_OLDR_H_O65 | HCOLDRHO65 | Households with only members age 65+ |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Households | HC_OLDR_H_3GN | HCOLDRH3GN | Households with 3 generations |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Households | HC_OLDR_H_NUM | HCOLDRHNUM | Number of households |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Households | HC_OLDR_H_UNW | HCOLDRHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Population | HC_OLDR_P_NNC | HCOLDRPNNC | Population living in non-nuclear families |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Population | HC_OLDR_P_65P | HCOLDRP65P | De jure population age 65+ |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Population | HC_OLDR_P_NUM | HCOLDRPNUM | Number of de jure persons |
Household Characteristics | Older age persons | Population | HC_OLDR_P_UNW | HCOLDRPUNW | Number of de jure persons (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Household headship | Households | HC_HHHD_H_MAL | HCHHHDHMAL | Male-headed households |
Household Characteristics | Household headship | Households | HC_HHHD_H_FEM | HCHHHDHFEM | Female-headed households |
Household Characteristics | Household headship | Households | HC_HHHD_H_TOT | HCHHHDHTOT | Households total |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_1MM | HCMEMBH1MM | Households with 1 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_2MM | HCMEMBH2MM | Households with 2 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_3MM | HCMEMBH3MM | Households with 3 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_4MM | HCMEMBH4MM | Households with 4 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_5MM | HCMEMBH5MM | Households with 5 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_6MM | HCMEMBH6MM | Households with 6 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_7MM | HCMEMBH7MM | Households with 7 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_8MM | HCMEMBH8MM | Households with 8 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_9MM | HCMEMBH9MM | Households with 9+ usual members |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_TOT | HCMEMBHTOT | Households: Total |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_MNM | HCMEMBHMNM | Mean number of household members |
Household Characteristics | Households with orphans and foster children | Households | HC_ORPH_H_NUM | HCORPHHNUM | Number of households |
Household Characteristics | Households with orphans and foster children | Households | HC_ORPH_H_UNW | HCORPHHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_INT | SVHRESHINT | Sample implementation: Households completed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_NOR | SVHRESHNOR | Sample implementation: Households no competent respondent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_REF | SVHRESHREF | Sample implementation: Households refused |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_DNF | SVHRESHDNF | Sample implementation: Households dwelling not found |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_ABS | SVHRESHABS | Sample implementation: Households absent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_VAC | SVHRESHVAC | Sample implementation: Households dwelling vacant |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_DES | SVHRESHDES | Sample implementation: Households dwelling destroyed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_OTH | SVHRESHOTH | Sample implementation: Households other |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_TOT | SVHRESHTOT | Sample implementation: Households total percent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_SEL | SVHRESHSEL | Sample implementation: Households number |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_OCC | SVHRESHOCC | Number of households found |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_INN | SVHRESHINN | Number of households interviewed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_RES | SVHRESHRES | Sample implementation: Households response rate |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_INT | SVRESIWINT | Sample implementation: Eligible women completed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_NAH | SVRESIWNAH | Sample implementation: Eligible women not at home |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_POS | SVRESIWPOS | Sample implementation: Eligible women postponed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_REF | SVRESIWREF | Sample implementation: Eligible women refused |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_PRT | SVRESIWPRT | Sample implementation: Eligible women partly completed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_OTH | SVRESIWOTH | Sample implementation: Eligible women other |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_TOT | SVRESIWTOT | Sample implementation: Eligible women total percent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_ELG | SVRESIWELG | Sample implementation: Eligible women number |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_INN | SVRESIWINN | Number of eligible women interviewed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_RES | SVRESIWRES | Sample implementation: Eligible women response rate |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_ORR | SVRESIWORR | Sample implementation: Overall response rate for women |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Households | SV_INTV_H_YRI | SVINTVHYRI | Median date of interview |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Women | SV_INTV_W_MED | SVINTVWMED | Median duration of women's interview |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Women | SV_INTV_W_MNI | SVINTVWMNI | Mean duration of women's interview |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Women | SV_INTV_W_NUM | SVINTVWNUM | Number of women interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time |
Survey Characteristics | Background characteristics | Women | SV_BACK_W_PCW | SVBACKWPCW | Percentage of women |
Survey Characteristics | Background characteristics | Women | SV_BACK_W_NUM | SVBACKWNUM | Weighted number of women |
Survey Characteristics | Background characteristics | Women | SV_BACK_W_UNW | SVBACKWUNW | Unweighted number of women |
Survey Characteristics | Background characteristics | Men | SV_BACK_M_PCM | SVBACKMPCM | Percentage of men |
Survey Characteristics | Background characteristics | Men | SV_BACK_M_NUM | SVBACKMNUM | Weighted number of men |
Survey Characteristics | Background characteristics | Men | SV_BACK_M_UNW | SVBACKMUNW | Unweighted number of men |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_IMP | FPKMTMWIMP | Knowledge of implants (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_EMC | FPKMTMWEMC | Knowledge of emergency contraception (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_IMP | FPEVUAWIMP | Ever use of implants (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_EMC | FPEVUAWEMC | Ever use of emergency contraception (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_IMP | FPEVUMWIMP | Ever use of implants (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_EMC | FPEVUMWEMC | Ever use of emergency contraception (married women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_IMP | FPCUSAWIMP | Current use of implants (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_IMP | FPCUSMWIMP | Married women currently using implants |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_GOT | FPSRCMWGOT | Current users most recent supply or information from an other public medical source |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_PFW | FPSRCMWPFW | Current users most recent supply or information from a fieldworker |
Family Planning | Source of modern contraception methods | Women | FP_SRCM_W_POT | FPSRCMWPOT | Current users most recent supply or information from an other private medical source |
Family Planning | Use of social marketing brand pills and condoms | Women | FP_SOCM_W_CON | FPSOCMWCON | Using social marketing brand of condom |
Family Planning | Use of social marketing brand pills and condoms | Women | FP_SOCM_W_NCN | FPSOCMWNCN | Number of women using condoms |
Family Planning | Use of social marketing brand pills and condoms | Women | FP_SOCM_W_UCN | FPSOCMWUCN | Number of women using condoms (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Informed choice | Women | FP_ICHC_W_SID | FPICHCWSID | Users informed about side effect or problems of method used |
Family Planning | Informed choice | Women | FP_ICHC_W_WDO | FPICHCWWDO | Users informed what to do if experienced side effects |
Family Planning | Informed choice | Women | FP_ICHC_W_HFP | FPICHCWHFP | Users informed about other methods |
Family Planning | Informed choice | Women | FP_ICHC_W_MII | FPICHCWMII | Users informed of all three (Method Information Index) |
Family Planning | Informed choice | Women | FP_ICHC_W_NUM | FPICHCWNUM | Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception |
Family Planning | Informed choice | Women | FP_ICHC_W_UNW | FPICHCWUNW | Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_INS | FPRNIUWINS | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Infrequent sex |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_MEN | FPRNIUWMEN | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Menopausal, hysterectomized |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_SBF | FPRNIUWSBF | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Subfecund, infecund |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_PPA | FPRNIUWPPA | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Postpartum amenorrheic/breastfeeding |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_WMC | FPRNIUWWMC | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Wants more children |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_OFT | FPRNIUWOFT | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other fertility related reasons |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_ROP | FPRNIUWROP | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Respondent opposed |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_SOP | FPRNIUWSOP | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Spouse opposed |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_OOP | FPRNIUWOOP | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Others opposed |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_REL | FPRNIUWREL | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Religious prohibition |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_KNM | FPRNIUWKNM | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Knows no method |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_KNS | FPRNIUWKNS | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Knows no source |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_HCN | FPRNIUWHCN | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Health concerns |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_SID | FPRNIUWSID | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Fear of side effects |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_ACC | FPRNIUWACC | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Lack of access |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_CST | FPRNIUWCST | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Cost too much |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_INC | FPRNIUWINC | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Inconvenient to use |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_BOD | FPRNIUWBOD | Reason for not intending to use contraception: Interfere with body |
Family Planning | Reason for not intending to use contraception | Women | FP_RNIU_W_UNK | FPRNIUWUNK | Reason for not intending to use contraception: DK |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_RDO | FPEFPMWRDO | Family planning messages on the radio [Women] |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_TLV | FPEFPMWTLV | Family planning messages on television [Women] |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_NON | FPEFPMWNON | Family planning messages in none of these three media [Women] |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_NUM | FPEFPMWNUM | Number of women |
Family Planning | Contact of nonusers with family planning providers | Women | FP_NFPP_W_FPW | FPNFPPWFPW | Nonusers visited by FP worker and told about FP |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_UUN | FPDMKFWUUN | Number of currently married women using family planning (unweighted) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Perinatal mortality | Children | CM_PNMR_C_NSB | CMPNMRCNSB | Stillbirths |
Infant and Child Mortality | Perinatal mortality | Children | CM_PNMR_C_NEN | CMPNMRCNEN | Early neonatal deaths |
Infant and Child Mortality | Perinatal mortality | Children | CM_PNMR_C_PMR | CMPNMRCPMR | Perinatal mortality rate (5 years) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Perinatal mortality | Children | CM_PNMR_C_NUM | CMPNMRCNUM | Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCP_W_CHW | RHANCPWCHW | Antenatal care provider: Community health worker |
Reproductive Health | Components of antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCC_W_IRN | RHANCCWIRN | Antenatal care content: Received iron tablets or syrup |
Reproductive Health | Components of antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCC_W_NUM | RHANCCWNUM | Number of women with a live birth in the last five (or three) years who received antenatal care |
Reproductive Health | Components of antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCC_W_UNW | RHANCCWUNW | Number of women with a live birth in the last five (or three) years who received antenatal care (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care services | Women | RH_ANCS_W_SGN | RHANCSWSGN | Antenatal care content: Informed of signs of pregnancy complications |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care services | Women | RH_ANCS_W_WGT | RHANCSWWGT | Antenatal care content: Weight measured |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care services | Women | RH_ANCS_W_BLP | RHANCSWBLP | Antenatal care content: Blood pressure measured |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care services | Women | RH_ANCS_W_URN | RHANCSWURN | Antenatal care content: Urine sample taken |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care services | Women | RH_ANCS_W_BLS | RHANCSWBLS | Antenatal care content: Blood sample taken |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care services | Women | RH_ANCS_W_NUM | RHANCSWNUM | Number of women with a live birth in the last five (or three) years who received antenatal care |
Reproductive Health | Antenatal care services | Women | RH_ANCS_W_UNW | RHANCSWUNW | Number of women with a live birth in the last five (or three) years who received antenatal care (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Tetanus toxoid injections | Women | RH_TTIJ_W_PRT | RHTTIJWPRT | Tetanus protection at birth |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_L4H | RHPCMTWL4H | Mother's first postnatal checkup: Less than 4 hours |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_23H | RHPCMTW23H | Mother's first postnatal checkup: 4-23 hours |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_D12 | RHPCMTWD12 | Mother's first postnatal checkup: 1-2 days |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_D36 | RHPCMTWD36 | Mother's first postnatal checkup: 3-6 days |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_D7P | RHPCMTWD7P | Mother's first postnatal checkup: 7-41 days |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_DKM | RHPCMTWDKM | Mother's first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_NON | RHPCMTWNON | No postnatal checkup for mother |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_TOT | RHPCMTWTOT | Mother's first postnatal checkup: Total |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_DY2 | RHPCMTWDY2 | Mother's first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_NUM | RHPCMTWNUM | Number of mothers |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMT_W_UNW | RHPCMTWUNW | Number of mothers (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_DOC | RHPCMPWDOC | Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Doctor/nurse/midwife |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_NON | RHPCMPWNON | No postnatal checkup for mother within first two days of birth |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_TOT | RHPCMPWTOT | Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Total |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_NUM | RHPCMPWNUM | Number of mothers |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_UNW | RHPCMPWUNW | Number of mothers (unweighted) |
Child Health | Vaccinations by source of information | Children | CH_VACS_C_OP0 | CHVACSCOP0 | Polio 0 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations | Children | CH_VACC_C_OP0 | CHVACCCOP0 | Polio0 vaccination received |
Child Health | Vaccinations within the first year of life | Children | CH_VAC1_C_OP0 | CHVAC1COP0 | Polio0 vaccination received in first year |
Child Health | Prevalence and treatment of symptoms of ARI | Children | CH_ARIS_C_ABI | CHARISCABI | Children with symptoms of ARI who received antibiotics |
Child Health | Treatment of fever | Children | CH_FEVT_C_AML | CHFEVTCAML | Child took antimalarial drugs for fever |
Child Health | Treatment of fever | Children | CH_FEVT_C_ABI | CHFEVTCABI | Child took antibiotic drugs for fever |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_INJ | CHDIATCINJ | Treatment of diarrhea: Injection |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LLS | CHDIFPCLLS | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Somewhat less fluids |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LML | CHDIFPCLML | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Much less fluids |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_LNO | CHDIFPCLNO | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Stopped fluids completely |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FLS | CHDIFPCFLS | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Somewhat less food |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FML | CHDIFPCFML | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Much less food |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FNO | CHDIFPCFNO | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Stopped food completely |
Child Health | Feeding practices during diarrhea | Children | CH_DIFP_C_FNV | CHDIFPCFNV | Feeding practices during diarrhea: Never gave food |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_1HR | CNBRFIC1HR | Children who started breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_1DY | CNBRFIC1DY | Children who started breastfeeding within 1 day of birth |
Child Nutrition | Initial breastfeeding | Children | CN_BRFI_C_PLF | CNBRFICPLF | Children who received a prelacteal feed |
Child Nutrition | Breastfeeding status | Children | CN_BRFS_C_LIQ | CNBRFSCLIQ | Children breastfeeding and consuming non-milk liquids |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_UN1 | CNMIACCUN1 | Number of youngest children age 6-23 months living with mother (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_VAS | CNMIACCVAS | Children consuming vitamin A supplements |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_NM2 | CNMIACCNM2 | Number of children age 6-59 months |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_UN2 | CNMIACCUN2 | Number of children age 6-59 months (unweighted) |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_VAP | ANMIAMWVAP | Women with a birth in the past five years who received a vitamin A dose in the first two months after delivery |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_NON | ANMIAMWNON | Women with a birth in the past five years who took no iron tablets or syrup |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_L60 | ANMIAMWL60 | Women with a birth in the past five years who took iron tablets or syrup for <60 days |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_L89 | ANMIAMWL89 | Women with a birth in the past five years who took iron tablets or syrup for 60-89 days |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_90P | ANMIAMW90P | Women with a birth in the past five years who took iron tablets or syrup for 90+ days |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_DKM | ANMIAMWDKM | Women with a birth in the past five years with 'Don't know' or missing information on iron tablets or syrup |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_TOT | ANMIAMWTOT | Women with a birth in the past five years: Total |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_NBR | ANMIAMWNBR | Women with a birth in the past five years suffering from night blindness during pregnancy (adjusted) |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_NBA | ANMIAMWNBA | Women with a birth in the past five years suffering from night blindness during pregnancy (reported) |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_NUM | ANMIAMWNUM | Number of women with a birth in the past five years |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_UNW | ANMIAMWUNW | Number of women with a birth in the past five years (unweighted) |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_MOS | MLNETPHMOS | Households with at least one mosquito net |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_ITN | MLNETPHITN | Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_MNM | MLNETPHMNM | Mean number of mosquito nets per household |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_MNI | MLNETPHMNI | Mean number of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) per household |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_NUM | MLNETPHNUM | Number of households |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_UNW | MLNETPHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_MS2 | MLNETPHMS2 | Households with at least one mosquito net for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_NM2 | MLNETPHNM2 | Number of households with a least one person who stayed in the household last night |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_UN2 | MLNETPHUN2 | Number of households with a least one person who stayed in the household last night (unweighted) |
Malaria | Indoor residual spraying against mosquitoes | Households | ML_IRSM_H_IIR | MLIRSMHIIR | Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) and/or indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months |
Malaria | Indoor residual spraying against mosquitoes | Households | ML_IRSM_H_NUM | MLIRSMHNUM | Number of households |
Malaria | Indoor residual spraying against mosquitoes | Households | ML_IRSM_H_UNW | MLIRSMHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Malaria | Access to an insecticide-treated net | Population | ML_ITNA_P_NUM | MLITNAPNUM | Number of persons |
Malaria | Access to an insecticide-treated net | Population | ML_ITNA_P_UNW | MLITNAPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Malaria | Access to an insecticide-treated net | Population | ML_ITNA_P_ACC | MLITNAPACC | Persons with access to an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_ANY | MLNETUPANY | Population who slept under any net last night |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_NUM | MLNETUPNUM | Number of persons |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_UNW | MLNETUPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_NM1 | MLNETUPNM1 | Number of persons living in a household with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_UN1 | MLNETUPUN1 | Number of persons living in a household with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) (unweighted) |
Malaria | Prevalence of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVR_C_FEV | MLFEVRCFEV | Children under 5 with fever in the last two weeks |
Malaria | Prevalence of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVR_C_NUM | MLFEVRCNUM | Number of children under 5 |
Malaria | Prevalence of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVR_C_UNW | MLFEVRCUNW | Number of children under 5 (unweighted) |
Malaria | Diagnosis and treatment of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVT_C_ADV | MLFEVTCADV | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought |
Malaria | Diagnosis and treatment of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVT_C_ADS | MLFEVTCADS | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought the same or the next day |
Malaria | Diagnosis and treatment of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVT_C_AML | MLFEVTCAML | Children with fever who took antimalarial drugs |
Malaria | Diagnosis and treatment of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVT_C_AMS | MLFEVTCAMS | Children with fever who took antimalarial drugs the same day or next day |
Malaria | Diagnosis and treatment of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVT_C_NUM | MLFEVTCNUM | Number of children under age five with fever in the last two weeks |
Malaria | Diagnosis and treatment of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVT_C_UNW | MLFEVTCUNW | Number of children under age five with fever in the last two weeks (unweighted) |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_PUB | MLFEVSCPUB | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_GHS | MLFEVSCGHS | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government hospital |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_GHC | MLFEVSCGHC | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health center |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_GFW | MLFEVSCGFW | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a fieldworker |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_GOT | MLFEVSCGOT | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from another type of public sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_PRV | MLFEVSCPRV | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_PHS | MLFEVSCPHS | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private hospital/clinic |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_PPH | MLFEVSCPPH | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a pharmacy |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_PDR | MLFEVSCPDR | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private doctor |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_POT | MLFEVSCPOT | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from another private medical sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_OSR | MLFEVSCOSR | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from another source |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_SHP | MLFEVSCSHP | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a shop |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_MKT | MLFEVSCMKT | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a market |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_OTH | MLFEVSCOTH | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from others |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_NUM | MLFEVSCNUM | Number of children under 5 with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_UNW | MLFEVSCUNW | Number of children under 5 with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted) |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_PUB | MLFEVACPUB | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a public sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_GHS | MLFEVACGHS | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a government hospital |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_GHC | MLFEVACGHC | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a government health center |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_GFW | MLFEVACGFW | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a fieldworker |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_GOT | MLFEVACGOT | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was another type of public sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_PRV | MLFEVACPRV | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a private sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_PHS | MLFEVACPHS | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a private hospital/clinic |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_PPH | MLFEVACPPH | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a pharmacy |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_PDR | MLFEVACPDR | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a private doctor |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_POT | MLFEVACPOT | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was another private medical sector facility |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_OSR | MLFEVACOSR | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was another source |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_SHP | MLFEVACSHP | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a shop |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_MKT | MLFEVACMKT | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a market |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_OTH | MLFEVACOTH | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from others |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_NUM | MLFEVACNUM | Number of children under 5 with fever for whom advice of treatment was sought |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_UNW | MLFEVACUNW | Number of children under 5 with fever for whom advice of treatment was sought (unweighted) |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_QNN | MLAMLDCQNN | Children who took Quinine |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_SPF | MLAMLDCSPF | Children who took SP/Fansidar |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_CHL | MLAMLDCCHL | Children who took Chloroquine |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_NUM | MLAMLDCNUM | Number of children under age five with fever that received any anti-malarial drugs |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_UNW | MLAMLDCUNW | Number of children under age five with fever that received any anti-malarial drugs (unweighted) |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_OAM | MLAMLDCOAM | Children who took another antimalarial |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of AIDS | Women | HA_KAID_W_HRD | HAKAIDWHRD | Women who have heard of HIV or AIDS |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of AIDS | Women | HA_KAID_W_NUM | HAKAIDWNUM | Number of women |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of AIDS | Women | HA_KAID_W_UNW | HAKAIDWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Women | HA_KHVP_W_CND | HAKHVPWCND | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Use of condoms (prompted) [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Women | HA_KHVP_W_SX1 | HAKHVPWSX1 | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Only one partner (prompted) [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Women | HA_KHVP_W_CS1 | HAKHVPWCS1 | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Composite of 2 components (prompted) [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Women | HA_KHVP_W_NUM | HAKHVPWNUM | Number of women |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Women | HA_KHVP_W_UNW | HAKHVPWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_HLT | HACKNAWHLT | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_MOS | HACKNAWMOS | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by mosquito bites [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_SUP | HACKNAWSUP | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by supernatural means [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_SHR | HACKNAWSHR | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Cannot become infected by sharing food with someone who has AIDS [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_REJ | HACKNAWREJ | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Composite of 3 components [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_CKA | HACKNAWCKA | Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_NUM | HACKNAWNUM | Number of women |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Women | HA_CKNA_W_UNW | HACKNAWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Women | HA_KMTC_W_BRF | HAKMTCWBRF | Knowledge of MTCT - Through breastfeeding [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Women | HA_KMTC_W_NUM | HAKMTCWNUM | Number of women |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Women | HA_KMTC_W_UNW | HAKMTCWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Women | HA_AATT_W_CRE | HAAATTWCRE | Accepting attitudes - Willing to care for family member sick with AIDS (1) [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Women | HA_AATT_W_SEC | HAAATTWSEC | Accepting attitudes - Not secretive about family member's HIV status (4) [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Women | HA_AATT_W_NUM | HAAATTWNUM | Number of women who have heard of AIDS |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Women | HA_AATT_W_UNW | HAAATTWUNW | Number of women who have heard of AIDS (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Women | HA_MINJ_W_INJ | HAMINJWINJ | Women receiving a medical injection in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Women | HA_MINJ_W_MNI | HAMINJWMNI | Average number of medical injections per woman in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Women | HA_MINJ_W_NUM | HAMINJWNUM | Number of women |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Women | HA_MINJ_W_UNW | HAMINJWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Women | HA_MINJ_W_NEW | HAMINJWNEW | Proportion of women reporting that the last health care injection was given with a syringe and needle set from a new, unopened package |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Women | HA_MINJ_W_NM1 | HAMINJWNM1 | Number of women receiving medical injections in the past 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Women | HA_MINJ_W_UN1 | HAMINJWUN1 | Number of women receiving medical injections in the past 12 months (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people | Women | HA_CKNY_W_CKA | HACKNYWCKA | Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young women age 15-24 |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people | Women | HA_CKNY_W_NUM | HACKNYWNUM | Number of young women |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people | Women | HA_CKNY_W_UNW | HACKNYWUNW | Number of young women (unweighted) |
Child Protection | Birth registration | Children | CP_BREG_C_CRT | CPBREGCCRT | Children who had a birth certificate |
Child Protection | Birth registration | Children | CP_BREG_C_NCT | CPBREGCNCT | Children who did not have a birth certificate but were registered |
Child Protection | Birth registration | Children | CP_BREG_C_REG | CPBREGCREG | Children registered |
Child Protection | Birth registration | Children | CP_BREG_C_NUM | CPBREGCNUM | Number of children under 5 |
Child Protection | Birth registration | Children | CP_BREG_C_UNW | CPBREGCUNW | Number of children under 5 (unweighted) |
Education | School attendance by survivorship of parents | Children | ED_SCHA_C_SCD | EDSCHACSCD | Current school attendance rate of orphans aged 10-14 |
Education | School attendance by survivorship of parents | Children | ED_SCHA_C_NMD | EDSCHACNMD | Number of children with both parents deceased |
Education | School attendance by survivorship of parents | Children | ED_SCHA_C_UND | EDSCHACUND | Number of children with both parents deceased (unweighted) |
Education | Net attendance ratio - primary | Women | ED_NARP_W_FEM | EDNARPWFEM | Net primary school attendance rate: Female |
Education | Net attendance ratio - primary | Men | ED_NARP_M_MAL | EDNARPMMAL | Net primary school attendance rate: Male |
Education | Net attendance ratio - primary | Both sexes | ED_NARP_B_BTH | EDNARPBBTH | Net primary school attendance rate: Total |
Education | Net attendance ratio - primary | Both sexes | ED_NARP_B_GPI | EDNARPBGPI | Gender parity index for net primary school attendance |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - primary | Women | ED_GARP_W_FEM | EDGARPWFEM | Gross primary school attendance rate: Female |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - primary | Men | ED_GARP_M_MAL | EDGARPMMAL | Gross primary school attendance rate: Male |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - primary | Both sexes | ED_GARP_B_BTH | EDGARPBBTH | Gross primary school attendance rate: Total |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - primary | Both sexes | ED_GARP_B_GPI | EDGARPBGPI | Gross parity index for gross primary school attendance |
Education | Net attendance ratio - secondary | Women | ED_NARS_W_FEM | EDNARSWFEM | Net secondary school attendance rate: Female |
Education | Net attendance ratio - secondary | Men | ED_NARS_M_MAL | EDNARSMMAL | Net secondary school attendance rate: Male |
Education | Net attendance ratio - secondary | Both sexes | ED_NARS_B_BTH | EDNARSBBTH | Net secondary school attendance rate: Total |
Education | Net attendance ratio - secondary | Both sexes | ED_NARS_B_GPI | EDNARSBGPI | Gender parity index for net secondary school attendance |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - secondary | Women | ED_GARS_W_FEM | EDGARSWFEM | Gross secondary school attendance rate: Female |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - secondary | Men | ED_GARS_M_MAL | EDGARSMMAL | Gross secondary school attendance rate: Male |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - secondary | Both sexes | ED_GARS_B_BTH | EDGARSBBTH | Gross secondary school attendance rate: Total |
Education | Gross attendance ratio - secondary | Both sexes | ED_GARS_B_GPI | EDGARSBGPI | Gross parity index for gross secondary school attendance |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_SCH | EDLITRWSCH | Women with secondary or higher education |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_RDW | EDLITRWRDW | Women who can read a whole sentence |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_RDP | EDLITRWRDP | Women who can read part of a sentence |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_NRD | EDLITRWNRD | Women who cannot read at all |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_NCD | EDLITRWNCD | Women for whom no card with required language was available |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_BLD | EDLITRWBLD | Women who are blind.visually impaired |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_MIS | EDLITRWMIS | Women with missing information on literacy |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_TOT | EDLITRWTOT | Women's literacy: Total |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_LIT | EDLITRWLIT | Women who are literate |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_NUM | EDLITRWNUM | Number of women |
Education | Literacy | Women | ED_LITR_W_UNW | EDLITRWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Employment | Employment status | Women | EM_EMPL_W_EMC | EMEMPLWEMC | Women who worked in the last 12 months and are currently |
Employment | Employment status | Women | EM_EMPL_W_ENC | EMEMPLWENC | Women who worked in the last 12 months, but not currently |
Employment | Employment status | Women | EM_EMPL_W_N12 | EMEMPLWN12 | Women who did no work in the last 12 months |
Employment | Employment status | Women | EM_EMPL_W_DKM | EMEMPLWDKM | Women with don't know or missing information on whether they worked in the last 12 months |
Employment | Employment status | Women | EM_EMPL_W_TOT | EMEMPLWTOT | Women : Total |
Employment | Employment status | Women | EM_EMPL_W_NUM | EMEMPLWNUM | Number of women |
Employment | Employment status | Women | EM_EMPL_W_UNW | EMEMPLWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_PRO | EMOCCPWPRO | Women's occupation: Professional, technical, managerial |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_CLR | EMOCCPWCLR | Women's occupation: Clerical |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_SAL | EMOCCPWSAL | Women's occupation: Sales, services |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_MNS | EMOCCPWMNS | Women's occupation: Skilled manual |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_MNU | EMOCCPWMNU | Women's occupation: Unskilled manual |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_DOM | EMOCCPWDOM | Women's occupation: Household & domestic |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_AGR | EMOCCPWAGR | Women's occupation: Agriculture |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_DKM | EMOCCPWDKM | Women with don't know or missing information on occupation |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_TOT | EMOCCPWTOT | Women's occupation: Total |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_NUM | EMOCCPWNUM | Number of women employed in the last 12 months |
Employment | Occupation | Women | EM_OCCP_W_UNW | EMOCCPWUNW | Number of women employed in the last 12 months (unweighted) |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_CSH | EMEMPTWCSH | Women who worked for cash only |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_NPD | EMEMPTWNPD | Women who worked unpaid |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_CMS | EMEMPTWCMS | Women with missing information on type of earnings |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_TTO | EMEMPTWTTO | Women: Total |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_NUM | EMEMPTWNUM | Number of women employed during the past 12 months |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_UNW | EMEMPTWUNW | Number of women employed in the last 12 months (unweighted) |
Employment | Employment of married persons | Women | EM_EMPM_W_EMP | EMEMPMWEMP | Married women employed in the last 12 months |
Employment | Employment of married persons | Women | EM_EMPM_W_NUM | EMEMPMWNUM | Number of married women |
Employment | Employment of married persons | Women | EM_EMPM_W_UNW | EMEMPMWUNW | Number of married women (unweighted) |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_CSH | EMERNMWCSH | Married women who worked for cash only |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_NPD | EMERNMWNPD | Married women who worked unpaid |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_DKM | EMERNMWDKM | Married women with missing information on type of earnings |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_TOT | EMERNMWTOT | Married women: Total |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_NM1 | EMERNMWNM1 | Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_UN1 | EMERNMWUN1 | Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_PWL | WSSRCEHPWL | Households using a protected well |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_PSG | WSSRCEHPSG | Households using a protected spring |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_CRT | WSSRCEHCRT | Households using cart with tank |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_BOT | WSSRCEHBOT | Households using bottled water |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_USG | WSSRCEHUSG | Households using an unprotected spring |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_PWL | WSSRCEPPWL | Population living in households using a protected well |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_PSG | WSSRCEPPSG | Population living in households using a protected spring |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_CRT | WSSRCEPCRT | Population living in households using cart with tank |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_BOT | WSSRCEPBOT | Population living in households using bottled water/demi john |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_USG | WSSRCEPUSG | Population living in households using an unprotected spring |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_BOL | WSWTRTHBOL | Households treating water by boiling |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_BLC | WSWTRTHBLC | Households treating water by adding bleach/chlorine |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_STN | WSWTRTHSTN | Households treating water by straining through a cloth |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_CER | WSWTRTHCER | Households treating water using a ceramic, sand or other filter |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_SOL | WSWTRTHSOL | Households treating water using solar disinfection |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_OTH | WSWTRTHOTH | Households treating water using other methods |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_NTR | WSWTRTHNTR | Households not treating water |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_DKM | WSWTRTHDKM | Households with missing information on treatment of water |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Households | WS_WTRT_H_APP | WSWTRTHAPP | Households using an appropriate treatment method |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_BOL | WSWTRTPBOL | Population living in households treating water by boiling |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_BLC | WSWTRTPBLC | Population living in households treating water by adding bleach/chlorine |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_STN | WSWTRTPSTN | Population living in households treating water by straining through a cloth |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_CER | WSWTRTPCER | Population living in households treating water using a ceramic, sand or other filter |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_SOL | WSWTRTPSOL | Population living in households treating water using solar disinfection |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_OTH | WSWTRTPOTH | Population living in households treating water using other methods |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_NTR | WSWTRTPNTR | Population living in households not treating water |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_DKM | WSWTRTPDKM | Population living in households with missing information on treatment of water |
Water and Sanitation | Water treatment prior to drinking | Population | WS_WTRT_P_APP | WSWTRTPAPP | Population living in households using an appropriate treatment method |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_FSW | WSTLETHFSW | Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a piped sewer system |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_FSP | WSTLETHFSP | Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a septic tank |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_VIP | WSTLETHVIP | Households with a ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_PSL | WSTLETHPSL | Households with a pit latrine with a slab |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_NFL | WSTLETHNFL | Households with a flush or pour flush toilet not to a sewer, septic tank or pit latrine |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_NHG | WSTLETHNHG | Households with a hanging toilet or hanging latrine |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_BAS | WSTLETHBAS | Households with basic sanitation service |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_LTD | WSTLETHLTD | Households with limited sanitation service |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_FSW | WSTLETPFSW | Population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a piped sewer system |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_FSP | WSTLETPFSP | Population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a septic tank |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_VIP | WSTLETPVIP | Population living in households with a ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_PSL | WSTLETPPSL | Population living in households with a pit latrine with a slab |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_NFL | WSTLETPNFL | Population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet not to a sewer, septic tank or pit latrine |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_NHG | WSTLETPNHG | Population living in households with a hanging toilet or hanging latrine |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_BAS | WSTLETPBAS | Population living in households with basic sanitation service |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_LTD | WSTLETPLTD | Population living in households with limited sanitation service |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_NAT | HCFLRMHNAT | Households with natural floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_ETH | HCFLRMHETH | Households with earth/sand floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_FIN | HCFLRMHFIN | Households with finished floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_PQT | HCFLRMHPQT | Households with parquet or polished wood floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_VIN | HCFLRMHVIN | Households with vinyl or asphalt strips floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_CER | HCFLRMHCER | Households with ceramic tile floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_CEM | HCFLRMHCEM | Households with cement floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_CPT | HCFLRMHCPT | Households with carpet floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_OTH | HCFLRMHOTH | Households with other floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_DKM | HCFLRMHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on type of flooring |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_NAT | HCFLRMPNAT | Population with natural floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_ETH | HCFLRMPETH | Population with earth/sand floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_FIN | HCFLRMPFIN | Population with finished floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_PQT | HCFLRMPPQT | Population with parquet or polished wood floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_VIN | HCFLRMPVIN | Population with vinyl or asphalt strips floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_CER | HCFLRMPCER | Population with ceramic tile floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_CEM | HCFLRMPCEM | Population with cement floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_CPT | HCFLRMPCPT | Population with carpet floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_OTH | HCFLRMPOTH | Population with other floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_DKM | HCFLRMPDKM | Population with don't know or missing information on type of flooring |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_ELC | HCCKFLHELC | Households cooking with electricity |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_LPG | HCCKFLHLPG | Households cooking with LPG/natural gas/biogas |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_KER | HCCKFLHKER | Households cooking with kerosene |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_CHR | HCCKFLHCHR | Households cooking with charcoal |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_WOD | HCCKFLHWOD | Households cooking with wood |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_STR | HCCKFLHSTR | Households cooking with straw/shrubs/grass |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_AGR | HCCKFLHAGR | Households cooking with agricultural crop |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_DNG | HCCKFLHDNG | Households cooking with dung |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_OTH | HCCKFLHOTH | Households cooking with other types of fuel |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_NFD | HCCKFLHNFD | Households who do no cooking in the household |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_DKM | HCCKFLHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on type of cooking fuel |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_SLD | HCCKFLHSLD | Households using solid fuel for cooking |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_CLN | HCCKFLHCLN | Households using clean fuel for cooking |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_ELC | HCCKFLPELC | Population cooking with electricity |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_LPG | HCCKFLPLPG | Population cooking with LPG/natural gas/biogas |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_KER | HCCKFLPKER | Population cooking with kerosene |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_CHR | HCCKFLPCHR | Population cooking with charcoal |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_WOD | HCCKFLPWOD | Population cooking with wood |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_STR | HCCKFLPSTR | Population cooking with straw/shrubs/grass |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_AGR | HCCKFLPAGR | Population cooking with agricultural crop |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_DNG | HCCKFLPDNG | Population cooking with dung |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_OTH | HCCKFLPOTH | Population cooking with other types of fuel |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_NFD | HCCKFLPNFD | Population who do no cooking in the household |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_DKM | HCCKFLPDKM | Population with don't know or missing information on type of cooking fuel |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_SLD | HCCKFLPSLD | Population using solid fuel for cooking |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_CLN | HCCKFLPCLN | Population using clean fuel for cooking |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_NPH | HCHEFFHNPH | Households possessing a telephone |
Household Characteristics | Household means of transport | Households | HC_TRNS_H_CRT | HCTRNSHCRT | Households possessing an animal drawn cart |
Household Characteristics | Household means of transport | Households | HC_TRNS_H_CAR | HCTRNSHCAR | Households possessing a private car |
Household Characteristics | Household means of transport | Households | HC_TRNS_H_BTM | HCTRNSHBTM | Households possessing a boat with a motor |
Household Characteristics | Agricultural ownership | Households | HC_AGON_H_LND | HCAGONHLND | Households owning agricultural land |
Household Characteristics | Agricultural ownership | Households | HC_AGON_H_ANM | HCAGONHANM | Households owning farm animals |
Household Characteristics | Number of usual members | Households | HC_MEMB_H_0MM | HCMEMBH0MM | Households with 0 usual members |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_P1D | HCLVARCP1D | Prevalence of orphanhood: children under 18 who are orphans - mother, father or both dead |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_NUM | HCLVARCNUM | Number of children |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_UNW | HCLVARCUNW | Number of children (unweighted) |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews | Households | SV_HRES_H_POS | SVHRESHPOS | Sample implementation: Households postponed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Women | SV_RESI_W_INC | SVRESIWINC | Sample implementation: Eligible women incapacitated |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Men | FE_TNBH_M_MAR | FETNBHMMAR | Teenage men who married before age 15 |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Men | FE_TNBH_M_BTH | FETNBHMBTH | Teenage men who fathered a live birth before age 15 |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Men | FE_TNBH_M_NUM | FETNBHMNUM | Number of men age 15-19 |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Men | FE_TNBH_M_UNW | FETNBHMUNW | Number of men age 15-19 (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_IMP | FPKMTAMIMP | Knowledge of implants (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_LAM | FPKMTAMLAM | Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_EMC | FPKMTAMEMC | Knowledge of emergency contraception (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_OMD | FPKMTAMOMD | Knowledge of other modern methods (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_KMTA_M_OTR | FPKMTAMOTR | Knowledge of other traditional methods (all men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_LAM | FPKMTMWLAM | Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_STD | FPKMTMWSTD | Knowledge of standard days method (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_IMP | FPKMTMMIMP | Knowledge of implants (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_LAM | FPKMTMMLAM | Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_EMC | FPKMTMMEMC | Knowledge of emergency contraception (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_OMD | FPKMTMMOMD | Knowledge of other modern methods (married men) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_OTR | FPKMTMMOTR | Knowledge of other traditional methods (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_LAM | FPEVUAWLAM | Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Women | FP_EVUA_W_STD | FPEVUAWSTD | Ever use of standard days method (all women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_MST | FPEVUAMMST | Ever use of male sterilization (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_IMP | FPEVUAMIMP | Ever use of implants (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_LAM | FPEVUAMLAM | Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_EMC | FPEVUAMEMC | Ever use of emergency contraception (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_OMD | FPEVUAMOMD | Ever use of other modern methods (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by all respondents | Men | FP_EVUA_M_OTR | FPEVUAMOTR | Ever use of other traditional methods (all men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_LAM | FPEVUMWLAM | Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_EVUM_W_STD | FPEVUMWSTD | Ever use of standard days method (married women) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_MST | FPEVUMMMST | Ever use of male sterilization (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_IMP | FPEVUMMIMP | Ever use of implants (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_LAM | FPEVUMMLAM | Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_EMC | FPEVUMMEMC | Ever use of emergency contraception (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_OMD | FPEVUMMOMD | Ever use of other modern methods (married men) |
Family Planning | Ever use of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_EVUM_M_OTR | FPEVUMMOTR | Ever use of other traditional methods (married men) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_LAM | FPCUSAWLAM | Current use of lactational amenorrhea (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_STD | FPCUSAWSTD | Current use of standard days method (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by all women | Women | FP_CUSA_W_OMD | FPCUSAWOMD | Current use of other modern methods (all women) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_LAM | FPCUSMWLAM | Married women currently using lactational amenorrhea |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_STD | FPCUSMWSTD | Married women currently using standard days method |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_OMD | FPCUSMWOMD | Married women currently using other modern methods |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_PRG | FPDISRWPRG | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to method failure |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_DES | FPDISRWDES | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to desire to become pregnant |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_FRT | FPDISRWFRT | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other fertility related reasons |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_SID | FPDISRWSID | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to side effects, health |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_WME | FPDISRWWME | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to wanting a more effective method |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_MET | FPDISRWMET | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other method related reasons |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_OTH | FPDISRWOTH | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other reasons |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_ANY | FPDISRWANY | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to all reasons |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_SWH | FPDISRWSWH | First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to switching to another method |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_NUM | FPDISRWNUM | Number of episodes of use |
Family Planning | Twelve-month contraceptive discontinuation rates | Women | FP_DISR_W_UNW | FPDISRWUNW | Number of episodes of use (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_PRG | FPRDISWPRG | Discontinuation due to becoming pregnant |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_DES | FPRDISWDES | Discontinuation to become pregnant |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_DIS | FPRDISWDIS | Discontinuation due to husband's disapproval |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_WME | FPRDISWWME | Discontinuation due to switching to a more effective method |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_SID | FPRDISWSID | Discontinuation due to side effects/health concerns |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_ACC | FPRDISWACC | Discontinuation due to access/availability |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_CST | FPRDISWCST | Discontinuation due to cost |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_INC | FPRDISWINC | Discontinuation due to method being inconvenient to use |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_FAT | FPRDISWFAT | Discontinuation as woman is fatalistic |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_DIF | FPRDISWDIF | Discontinuation due to menopause |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_INF | FPRDISWINF | Discontinuation due to infrequent sex |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_SEP | FPRDISWSEP | Discontinuation due to marital dissolution |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_OTH | FPRDISWOTH | Discontinuation due to other reasons |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_DKN | FPRDISWDKN | Discontinuation due to unknown reason |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_MIS | FPRDISWMIS | Discontinuation with missing information on reason |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_TOT | FPRDISWTOT | Discontinuation: Total |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_NUM | FPRDISWNUM | Number of discontinuations |
Family Planning | Reasons for discontinuation | Women | FP_RDIS_W_UNW | FPRDISWUNW | Number of discontinuations (unweighted) |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_NWS | FPEFPMWNWS | Family planning messages in newspapers or magazines [Women] |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_NWS | FPEFPMMNWS | Family planning messages in newspapers or magazines [Men] |
Family Planning | Contact of nonusers with family planning providers | Women | FP_NFPP_W_HFP | FPNFPPWHFP | Nonusers who visited a health facility and discussed FP |
Family Planning | Contact of nonusers with family planning providers | Women | FP_NFPP_W_HNF | FPNFPPWHNF | Nonusers who visited a health facility but did not discuss FP |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_UWF | FPDMKFWUWF | Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by wife |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_UJN | FPDMKFWUJN | Family planning use decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_UHS | FPDMKFWUHS | Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by husband |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_UDK | FPDMKFWUDK | Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by others/don't know/missing |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_UTT | FPDMKFWUTT | Family planning use decisionmaking: total |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_UNM | FPDMKFWUNM | Number of currently married women using family planning |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_NMA | MAMSTAMNMA | Current marital status [Men]: Never married |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_MAR | MAMSTAMMAR | Current marital status [Men]: Married |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_DIV | MAMSTAMDIV | Current marital status [Men]: Divorced |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_SEP | MAMSTAMSEP | Current marital status [Men]: Not living together |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_WID | MAMSTAMWID | Current marital status [Men]: Widowed |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_TOT | MAMSTAMTOT | Men: Total |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_UNI | MAMSTAMUNI | Current marital status [Men]: Married or living in union |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_NUM | MAMSTAMNUM | Number of men |
Marriage | Current marital status | Men | MA_MSTA_M_UNW | MAMSTAMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_B15 | MAMBAGMB15 | Men first married by exact age 15 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_B18 | MAMBAGMB18 | Men first married by exact age 18 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_B20 | MAMBAGMB20 | Men first married by exact age 20 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_B22 | MAMBAGMB22 | Men first married by exact age 22 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_B25 | MAMBAGMB25 | Men first married by exact age 25 |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_NMA | MAMBAGMNMA | Men never married |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_NUM | MAMBAGMNUM | Number of men |
Marriage | Percentage first married by exact age | Men | MA_MBAG_M_UNW | MAMBAGMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Men | MA_AAFM_M_M25 | MAAAFMMM25 | Median age at first marriage [Men]: 25-29 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Men | MA_AAFM_M_M30 | MAAAFMMM30 | Median age at first marriage [Men]: 30-34 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Men | MA_AAFM_M_M35 | MAAAFMMM35 | Median age at first marriage [Men]: 35-39 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Men | MA_AAFM_M_M40 | MAAAFMMM40 | Median age at first marriage [Men]: 40-44 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Men | MA_AAFM_M_M45 | MAAAFMMM45 | Median age at first marriage [Men]: 45-49 |
Marriage | Median age at first marriage | Men | MA_AAFM_M_M2B | MAAAFMMM2B | Median age at first marriage [Men]: 25-49(54,59) |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_4WK | SXLSEXW4WK | Recent sexual activity: Active in last 4 weeks |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_1YR | SXLSEXW1YR | Recent sexual activity [Women]: Within the last year |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_1PY | SXLSEXW1PY | Recent sexual activity [Women]: One or more years ago |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_MIS | SXLSEXWMIS | Recent sexual activity [Women]: Missing |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_TOT | SXLSEXWTOT | Women: Total |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_NUM | SXLSEXWNUM | Number of women |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_UNW | SXLSEXWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Infant and Child Mortality | Perinatal mortality | Children | CM_PNMR_C_UNW | CMPNMRCUNW | Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Components of antenatal care | Women | RH_ANCC_W_PAR | RHANCCWPAR | Antenatal care content: Took intestinal parasite drugs |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_CHW | RHPCMPWCHW | Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Community health worker |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_TBA | RHPCMPWTBA | Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Traditional birth attendant |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_L1H | RHPCCTCL1H | Newborn's first postnatal checkup: Less than 1 hour |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_H13 | RHPCCTCH13 | Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 1-3 hours |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_H4P | RHPCCTCH4P | Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 4-23 hours |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_D12 | RHPCCTCD12 | Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 1-2 days |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_D36 | RHPCCTCD36 | Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 3-6 days |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_DKM | RHPCCTCDKM | Newborn's first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_NON | RHPCCTCNON | No postnatal checkup for newborn |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_TOT | RHPCCTCTOT | Newborn's first postnatal checkup: Total |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_DY2 | RHPCCTCDY2 | Newborn's first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_NUM | RHPCCTCNUM | Number of newborns |
Reproductive Health | Timing of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCT_C_UNW | RHPCCTCUNW | Number of newborns (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCP_C_DOC | RHPCCPCDOC | Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Doctor/nurse/midwife |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCP_C_TBA | RHPCCPCTBA | Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Traditional birth attendant |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCP_C_NON | RHPCCPCNON | No postnatal checkup for newborn within first two days of birth |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCP_C_TOT | RHPCCPCTOT | Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Total |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCP_C_NUM | RHPCCPCNUM | Number of newborns |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCP_C_UNW | RHPCCPCUNW | Number of newborns (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_PRM | RHPAHCWPRM | Problems in accessing health care: Getting permission to go for treatment |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_MON | RHPAHCWMON | Problems in accessing health care: Getting money for treatment |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_DIS | RHPAHCWDIS | Problems in accessing health care: Distance to health facility |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_TRN | RHPAHCWTRN | Problems in accessing health care: Having to take transport |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_ALN | RHPAHCWALN | Problems in accessing health care: Not wanting to go alone |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_PR1 | RHPAHCWPR1 | Problems in accessing health care: Any of the specified problems |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_NUM | RHPAHCWNUM | Number of women |
Reproductive Health | Problems in accessing health care | Women | RH_PAHC_W_UNW | RHPAHCWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_AMO | CHDIATCAMO | Treatment of diarrhea: Antimotility drugs |
Child Health | Treatment of diarrhea | Children | CH_DIAT_C_ZNC | CHDIATCZNC | Treatment of diarrhea: Zinc supplements |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_BBY | CNFDBFCBBY | Breastfeeding children receiving fortified baby food |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_GRN | CNFDBFCGRN | Breastfeeding children receiving foods made from grains |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_VTA | CNFDBFCVTA | Breastfeeding children receiving fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin a |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_FVG | CNFDBFCFVG | Breastfeeding children receiving other fruits and vegetables |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_RTS | CNFDBFCRTS | Breastfeeding children receiving food made from roots and tubers |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_LEG | CNFDBFCLEG | Breastfeeding children receiving food made from legumes and nuts |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_MTF | CNFDBFCMTF | Breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, poultry |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_EGG | CNFDBFCEGG | Breastfeeding children receiving eggs |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_MFE | CNFDBFCMFE | Breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, eggs |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_CHS | CNFDBFCCHS | Breastfeeding children receiving cheese, yogurt, other milk product |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_OTH | CNFDBFCOTH | Breastfeeding children receiving other foods |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDBF_C_SLD | CNFDBFCSLD | Breastfeeding children receiving any solid or semi-solid food |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_INF | CNFDNBCINF | Non-breastfeeding children receiving infant formula |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_MLK | CNFDNBCMLK | Non-breastfeeding children receiving other milk |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_LIQ | CNFDNBCLIQ | Non-breastfeeding children receiving other liquids |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_BBY | CNFDNBCBBY | Non-breastfeeding children receiving fortified baby food |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_GRN | CNFDNBCGRN | Non-breastfeeding children receiving foods made from grains |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_VTA | CNFDNBCVTA | Non-breastfeeding children receiving fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin a |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_FVG | CNFDNBCFVG | Non-breastfeeding children receiving other fruits and vegetables |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_RTS | CNFDNBCRTS | Non-breastfeeding children receiving food made from roots and tubers |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_LEG | CNFDNBCLEG | Non-breastfeeding children receiving food made from legumes and nuts |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_MTF | CNFDNBCMTF | Non-breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, poultry |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_EGG | CNFDNBCEGG | Non-breastfeeding children receiving eggs |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_MFE | CNFDNBCMFE | Non-breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, eggs |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_CHS | CNFDNBCCHS | Non-breastfeeding children receiving cheese, yogurt, other milk product |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_OTH | CNFDNBCOTH | Non-breastfeeding children receiving other foods |
Child Nutrition | Foods and liquids consumed by non-breastfeeding children | Children | CN_FDNB_C_SLD | CNFDNBCSLD | Non-breastfeeding children receiving any solid or semi-solid food |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_4FB | CNIYCFC4FB | Breastfed children 6-23 months fed 5+ food groups |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_MNB | CNIYCFCMNB | Breastfed children 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_BTB | CNIYCFCBTB | Breastfed children 6-23 months fed both 4+ food groups and the minimum meal frequency |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_NMB | CNIYCFCNMB | Number of breastfed children 6-23 months |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_UNB | CNIYCFCUNB | Number of breastfed children 6-23 months (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_MKN | CNIYCFCMKN | Non-breastfed children 6-23 months fed milk or milk products |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_4FN | CNIYCFC4FN | Non-breastfed children 6-23 months fed 5+ food groups |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_MNN | CNIYCFCMNN | Non-breastfed children 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_3PN | CNIYCFC3PN | Non-breastfed children 6-23 months with 3 IYCF practices |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_NMN | CNIYCFCNMN | Number of nonbreastfed children 6-23 months |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_UNN | CNIYCFCUNN | Number of nonbreastfed children 6-23 months (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_MKA | CNIYCFCMKA | Children 6-23 months fed breastmilk, milk, or milk-products |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_4FA | CNIYCFC4FA | Children 6-23 months fed 5+ food groups |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_MNA | CNIYCFCMNA | Children 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_3PA | CNIYCFC3PA | Children 6-23 months with 3 IYCF practices |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_NMA | CNIYCFCNMA | Number of all children 6-23 months |
Child Nutrition | Infant and young child feeding practices | Children | CN_IYCF_C_UNA | CNIYCFCUNA | Number of all children 6-23 months (unweighted) |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_VAF | CNMIACCVAF | Children 6-23 months that consumed foods rich in vitamin A in the last 24 hours |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_IRF | CNMIACCIRF | Children 6-23 months that consumed foods rich in iron in the last 24 hours |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_NM1 | CNMIACCNM1 | Number of youngest children age 6-23 months living with mother |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_IRS | CNMIACCIRS | Children given iron supplements in past 7 days |
Child Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among children | Children | CN_MIAC_C_DWM | CNMIACCDWM | Children given deworming medication in past 6 months |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_SHT | ANNUTSWSHT | Women with height below 145 cm |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_NM1 | ANNUTSWNM1 | Number of women |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_UN1 | ANNUTSWUN1 | Number of women (unweighted) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_BMI | ANNUTSWBMI | Mean Body Mass Index (BMI) for women |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_NRM | ANNUTSWNRM | Women with normal BMI (18.5-24.9) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_THN | ANNUTSWTHN | Women who are thin according to BMI (<18.5) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_TH1 | ANNUTSWTH1 | Women who are mildly thin according to BMI (17.0-18.4) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_TH2 | ANNUTSWTH2 | Women who are moderately thin according to BMI (<17.0) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_OWT | ANNUTSWOWT | Women who are overweight or obese according to BMI (>=25.0) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_OVW | ANNUTSWOVW | Women who are overweight according to BMI (25.0-29.9) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_OBS | ANNUTSWOBS | Women who are obese according to BMI (>=30.0) |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_NUM | ANNUTSWNUM | Number of women |
Adult Nutrition | Nutritional status | Women | AN_NUTS_W_UNW | ANNUTSWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Adult Nutrition | Micronutrient intake among mothers | Women | AN_MIAM_W_DWM | ANMIAMWDWM | Women with a birth in the past five years who took deworming medication during pregnancy of last birth |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of AIDS | Men | HA_KAID_M_HRD | HAKAIDMHRD | Men who have heard of HIV or AIDS |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of AIDS | Men | HA_KAID_M_NUM | HAKAIDMNUM | Number of men |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of AIDS | Men | HA_KAID_M_UNW | HAKAIDMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Men | HA_KHVP_M_CND | HAKHVPMCND | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Use of condoms (prompted) [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Men | HA_KHVP_M_SX1 | HAKHVPMSX1 | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Only one partner (prompted) [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Men | HA_KHVP_M_CS1 | HAKHVPMCS1 | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Composite of 2 components (prompted) [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Men | HA_KHVP_M_NUM | HAKHVPMNUM | Number of men |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of HIV prevention methods | Men | HA_KHVP_M_UNW | HAKHVPMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_HLT | HACKNAMHLT | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_MOS | HACKNAMMOS | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by mosquito bites [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_SUP | HACKNAMSUP | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by supernatural means [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_SHR | HACKNAMSHR | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Cannot become infected by sharing food with someone who has AIDS [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_REJ | HACKNAMREJ | No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Composite of 3 components [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_CKA | HACKNAMCKA | Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_NUM | HACKNAMNUM | Number of men |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS | Men | HA_CKNA_M_UNW | HACKNAMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Women | HA_KMTC_W_DRG | HAKMTCWDRG | Knowledge of prevention of MTCT - Can be prevented by mother taking special drugs during pregnancy [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Women | HA_KMTC_W_BFD | HAKMTCWBFD | Knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Men | HA_KMTC_M_BRF | HAKMTCMBRF | Knowledge of MTCT - Through breastfeeding [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Men | HA_KMTC_M_DRG | HAKMTCMDRG | Knowledge of prevention of MTCT - Can be prevented by mother taking special drugs during pregnancy [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Men | HA_KMTC_M_BFD | HAKMTCMBFD | Knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Men | HA_KMTC_M_NUM | HAKMTCMNUM | Number of men |
HIV/AIDS | Knowledge of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV | Men | HA_KMTC_M_UNW | HAKMTCMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Women | HA_AATT_W_VEG | HAAATTWVEG | Accepting attitudes - Would buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper with AIDS (2) [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Women | HA_AATT_W_FTC | HAAATTWFTC | Accepting attitudes - Female teacher who is HIV+ but not sick should be allowed to continue teaching in school (3) [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Women | HA_AATT_W_AAT | HAAATTWAAT | Accepting attitudes towards those living with HIV - Composite of 4 components [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Men | HA_AATT_M_CRE | HAAATTMCRE | Accepting attitudes - Willing to care for family member sick with AIDS (1) [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Men | HA_AATT_M_VEG | HAAATTMVEG | Accepting attitudes - Would buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper with AIDS (2) [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Men | HA_AATT_M_FTC | HAAATTMFTC | Accepting attitudes - Female teacher who is HIV+ but not sick should be allowed to continue teaching in school (3) [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Men | HA_AATT_M_SEC | HAAATTMSEC | Accepting attitudes - Not secretive about family member's HIV status (4) [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Men | HA_AATT_M_AAT | HAAATTMAAT | Accepting attitudes towards those living with HIV - Composite of 4 components [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Men | HA_AATT_M_NUM | HAAATTMNUM | Number of men who have heard of AIDS |
HIV/AIDS | Accepting attitudes toward those living with HIV/AIDS | Men | HA_AATT_M_UNW | HAAATTMUNW | Number of men who have heard of AIDS (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_KNW | HACPHTWKNW | Women who know where to get an HIV test |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_NUM | HACPHTWNUM | Number of women |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_UNW | HACPHTWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_KNW | HACPHTMKNW | Men who know where to get an HIV test |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_NEV | HACPHTMNEV | Men never tested for HIV |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_NUM | HACPHTMNUM | Number of men |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_UNW | HACPHTMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Women | HA_STIS_W_STI | HASTISWSTI | Women reporting an STI |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Women | HA_STIS_W_DIS | HASTISWDIS | Women reporting a bad smelling or abnormal genital discharge |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Women | HA_STIS_W_SOR | HASTISWSOR | Women reporting a genital sore or ulcer |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Women | HA_STIS_W_AST | HASTISWAST | Women reporting an STI, genital dicharge, or a sore or ulcer |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Women | HA_STIS_W_NUM | HASTISWNUM | Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Women | HA_STIS_W_UNW | HASTISWUNW | Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Men | HA_STIS_M_STI | HASTISMSTI | Men reporting an STI |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Men | HA_STIS_M_AST | HASTISMAST | Men reporting an STI, genital dicharge, or a sore or ulcer |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Men | HA_STIS_M_NUM | HASTISMNUM | Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Men | HA_STIS_M_UNW | HASTISMUNW | Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Men | HA_MINJ_M_INJ | HAMINJMINJ | Men receiving a medical injection in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Men | HA_MINJ_M_MNI | HAMINJMMNI | Average number of medical injections per man in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Men | HA_MINJ_M_NUM | HAMINJMNUM | Number of men |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Men | HA_MINJ_M_UNW | HAMINJMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Men | HA_MINJ_M_NEW | HAMINJMNEW | Proportion of men reporting that the last health care injection was given with a syringe and needle set from a new, unopened package |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Men | HA_MINJ_M_NM1 | HAMINJMNM1 | Number of men receiving medical injections in the past 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Prevalence of medical injections | Men | HA_MINJ_M_UN1 | HAMINJMUN1 | Number of men receiving medical injections in the past 12 months (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people | Men | HA_CKNY_M_CKA | HACKNYMCKA | Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young men age 15-24 |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people | Men | HA_CKNY_M_KCN | HACKNYMKCN | Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young men. |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people | Men | HA_CKNY_M_NUM | HACKNYMNUM | Number of young men |
HIV/AIDS | Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people | Men | HA_CKNY_M_UNW | HACKNYMUNW | Number of young men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Multiple sexual partners in the past 12 months among young people | Women | HA_MSPY_W_NM1 | HAMSPYWNM1 | Number of young women |
HIV/AIDS | Multiple sexual partners in the past 12 months among young people | Women | HA_MSPY_W_UN1 | HAMSPYWUN1 | Number of young women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Multiple sexual partners in the past 12 months among young people | Women | HA_MSPY_W_NM2 | HAMSPYWNM2 | Number of sexually active young women |
HIV/AIDS | Multiple sexual partners in the past 12 months among young people | Women | HA_MSPY_W_UN2 | HAMSPYWUN2 | Number of sexually active young women (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Women | AH_TOBC_W_ANY | AHTOBCWANY | Women who smoke any type of tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Women | AH_TOBC_W_CIG | AHTOBCWCIG | Women who smoke cigarettes |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Women | AH_TOBC_W_PIP | AHTOBCWPIP | Women who smoke pipe |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Women | AH_TOBC_W_NON | AHTOBCWNON | Women who do not smoke |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Women | AH_TOBC_W_NUM | AHTOBCWNUM | Number of women |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Women | AH_TOBC_W_UNW | AHTOBCWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_ANY | AHTOBCMANY | Men who smoke any type of tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_CIG | AHTOBCMCIG | Men who smoke cigarettes |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_PIP | AHTOBCMPIP | Men who smoke pipe |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_OTH | AHTOBCMOTH | Men who smoke other tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_NUM | AHTOBCMNUM | Number of men |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_UNW | AHTOBCMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_04C | AHCIGAW04C | Cigarettes smoked: <5 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_59C | AHCIGAW59C | Cigarettes smoked: 5-9 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_14C | AHCIGAW14C | Cigarettes smoked: 10-14 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_24C | AHCIGAW24C | Cigarettes smoked: 15-24 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_25C | AHCIGAW25C | Cigarettes smoked: 25+ |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_DKM | AHCIGAWDKM | Cigarettes smoked: don't know or missing |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_TOT | AHCIGAWTOT | Cigarettes smoked: Total |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_NUM | AHCIGAWNUM | Number of women cigarette smokers |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_UNW | AHCIGAWUNW | Number of women cigarette smokers (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Women | AH_CIGA_W_MNC | AHCIGAWMNC | Cigarettes smoked: Mean |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_04C | AHCIGAM04C | Cigarettes smoked: <5 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_59C | AHCIGAM59C | Cigarettes smoked: 5-9 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_14C | AHCIGAM14C | Cigarettes smoked: 10-14 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_24C | AHCIGAM24C | Cigarettes smoked: 15-24 |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_25C | AHCIGAM25C | Cigarettes smoked: 25+ |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_DKM | AHCIGAMDKM | Cigarettes smoked: don't know or missing |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_TOT | AHCIGAMTOT | Cigarettes smoked: Total |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_NUM | AHCIGAMNUM | Number of men cigarette smokers |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_UNW | AHCIGAMUNW | Number of men cigarette smokers (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Number of cigarettes last 24 hours | Men | AH_CIGA_M_MNC | AHCIGAMMNC | Cigarettes smoked: Mean |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HAL | WEOWNAWHAL | Own a house alone [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HJN | WEOWNAWHJN | Own a house jointly [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HAJ | WEOWNAWHAJ | Own a house alone and jointly [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HNO | WEOWNAWHNO | Do not own a house [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HDK | WEOWNAWHDK | Women with don't know or missing information on ownership of a house |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HTO | WEOWNAWHTO | House ownership [Women]: Total |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HNM | WEOWNAWHNM | Number of women |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_HUN | WEOWNAWHUN | Number of women (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LAL | WEOWNAWLAL | Own land alone [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LJN | WEOWNAWLJN | Own land jointly [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LAJ | WEOWNAWLAJ | Own land alone and jointly [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LNO | WEOWNAWLNO | Do not own land [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LDK | WEOWNAWLDK | Women with don't know or missing information on ownership of land |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LTO | WEOWNAWLTO | Land ownership [Women]: Total |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LNM | WEOWNAWLNM | Number of women |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Women | WE_OWNA_W_LUN | WEOWNAWLUN | Number of women (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HAL | WEOWNAMHAL | Own a house alone [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HJN | WEOWNAMHJN | Own a house Jointly [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HAJ | WEOWNAMHAJ | Own a house alone and jointly [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HNO | WEOWNAMHNO | Do not own a house [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HDK | WEOWNAMHDK | Men with don't know or missing information on ownership of a house |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HTO | WEOWNAMHTO | House ownership [Men]: Total |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HNM | WEOWNAMHNM | Number of men |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_HUN | WEOWNAMHUN | Number of men (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LAL | WEOWNAMLAL | Own land alone [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LJN | WEOWNAMLJN | Own land jointly [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LAJ | WEOWNAMLAJ | Own land alone and jointly [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LNO | WEOWNAMLNO | Do not own land [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LDK | WEOWNAMLDK | Men with don't know or missing information on ownership of land |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LTO | WEOWNAMLTO | Land ownership [Men]: Total |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LNM | WEOWNAMLNM | Number of men |
Women's Empowerment | Ownership of assets | Men | WE_OWNA_M_LUN | WEOWNAMLUN | Number of men (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_WIF | WEDMKHWWIF | Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly wife [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_JNT | WEDMKHWJNT | Decision maker about Own health care: Wife and husband jointly [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_HUS | WEDMKHWHUS | Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly husband [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_OTH | WEDMKHWOTH | Decision maker about Own health care: Other [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_DKM | WEDMKHWDKM | Decision maker about Own health care: don't know or missing [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_TOT | WEDMKHWTOT | Decision maker about Own health care: Total [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_NUM | WEDMKHWNUM | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_WIF | WEDMKHMWIF | Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly wife [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_JNT | WEDMKHMJNT | Decision maker about Own health care: Wife and husband jointly [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_HUS | WEDMKHMHUS | Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly husband [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_OTH | WEDMKHMOTH | Decision maker about Own health care: Other [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_DKM | WEDMKHMDKM | Decision maker about Own health care: don't know or missing [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_TOT | WEDMKHMTOT | Decision maker about Own health care: Total [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_NUM | WEDMKHMNUM | Number of currently married men |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_WIF | WEDMKPWWIF | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly wife [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_JNT | WEDMKPWJNT | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Wife and husband jointly [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_HUS | WEDMKPWHUS | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly husband [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_OTH | WEDMKPWOTH | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Other [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_DKM | WEDMKPWDKM | Decision maker about Major household purchases: don't know or missing [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_TOT | WEDMKPWTOT | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Total [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_NUM | WEDMKPWNUM | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_WIF | WEDMKPMWIF | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly wife [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_JNT | WEDMKPMJNT | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Wife and husband jointly [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_HUS | WEDMKPMHUS | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly husband [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_OTH | WEDMKPMOTH | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Other [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_DKM | WEDMKPMDKM | Decision maker about Major household purchases: don't know or missing [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_TOT | WEDMKPMTOT | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Total [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_NUM | WEDMKPMNUM | Number of currently married men |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_WIF | WEDMKVWWIF | Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Mainly wife [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_JNT | WEDMKVWJNT | Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Wife and husband jointly [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_HUS | WEDMKVWHUS | Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Mainly husband [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_OTH | WEDMKVWOTH | Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Other [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_DKM | WEDMKVWDKM | Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: don't know or missing [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_TOT | WEDMKVWTOT | Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Total [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_NUM | WEDMKVWNUM | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Women | WE_DMAK_W_OHC | WEDMAKWOHC | Final say in own health care [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Women | WE_DMAK_W_MPC | WEDMAKWMPC | Final say in making large purchases [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Women | WE_DMAK_W_FAM | WEDMAKWFAM | Final say in visits to family, relatives, friends [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Women | WE_DMAK_W_3DC | WEDMAKW3DC | Final say in all of the decisions [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Women | WE_DMAK_W_NON | WEDMAKWNON | Final say in none of the decisions [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Women | WE_DMAK_W_NUM | WEDMAKWNUM | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Women | WE_DMAK_W_UNW | WEDMAKWUNW | Number of currently married women (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Men | WE_DMAK_M_OHC | WEDMAKMOHC | Final say in own health care [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Men | WE_DMAK_M_MPC | WEDMAKMMPC | Final say in making large purchases [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Men | WE_DMAK_M_2DC | WEDMAKM2DC | Final say in both of the decisions [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Men | WE_DMAK_M_NON | WEDMAKMNON | Final say in none of the decisions [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Men | WE_DMAK_M_NUM | WEDMAKMNUM | Number of currently married men |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making | Men | WE_DMAK_M_UNW | WEDMAKMUNW | Number of currently married men (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_BFD | WEAWBTWBFD | Wife beating justified if she burns the food [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_ARG | WEAWBTWARG | Wife beating justified if she argues with him [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_OUT | WEAWBTWOUT | Wife beating justified if she goes out without telling him [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_NEG | WEAWBTWNEG | Wife beating justified if she neglects the children [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_REF | WEAWBTWREF | Wife beating justified if she refuses to have sex with him [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_AGR | WEAWBTWAGR | Wife beating justified for at least one specific reason [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_NUM | WEAWBTWNUM | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Women | WE_AWBT_W_UNW | WEAWBTWUNW | Number of currently married women (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_BFD | WEAWBTMBFD | Wife beating justified if she burns the food [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_ARG | WEAWBTMARG | Wife beating justified if she argues with him [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_OUT | WEAWBTMOUT | Wife beating justified if she goes out without telling him [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_NEG | WEAWBTMNEG | Wife beating justified if she neglects the children [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_REF | WEAWBTMREF | Wife beating justified if she refuses to have sex with him [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_AGR | WEAWBTMAGR | Wife beating justified for at least one specific reason [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_NUM | WEAWBTMNUM | Number of currently married men |
Women's Empowerment | Attitude toward wife beating | Men | WE_AWBT_M_UNW | WEAWBTMUNW | Number of currently married men (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Justified in refusing sex | Women | WE_JRSX_W_NUM | WEJRSXWNUM | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Indicators of women's empowerment | Women | WE_WEMP_W_DMK | WEWEMPWDMK | Married women participating in all three decisions |
Women's Empowerment | Indicators of women's empowerment | Women | WE_WEMP_W_NM1 | WEWEMPWNM1 | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Indicators of women's empowerment | Women | WE_WEMP_W_UN1 | WEWEMPWUN1 | Number of currently married women (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Indicators of women's empowerment | Women | WE_WEMP_W_DWB | WEWEMPWDWB | Married women who disagree with all the reasons justifying wife beating |
Women's Empowerment | Indicators of women's empowerment | Women | WE_WEMP_W_NM2 | WEWEMPWNM2 | Number of currently married women |
Women's Empowerment | Indicators of women's empowerment | Women | WE_WEMP_W_UN2 | WEWEMPWUN2 | Number of currently married women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Experience of physical violence | Women | DV_EXPV_W_EVR | DVEXPVWEVR | Ever experienced physical violence since age 15 |
Domestic Violence | Experience of physical violence | Women | DV_EXPV_W_12O | DVEXPVW12O | Physical violence in the past 12 months often |
Domestic Violence | Experience of physical violence | Women | DV_EXPV_W_12S | DVEXPVW12S | Physical violence in the past 12 months sometimes |
Domestic Violence | Experience of physical violence | Women | DV_EXPV_W_12M | DVEXPVW12M | Physical violence in the past 12 months often or sometimes |
Domestic Violence | Experience of physical violence | Women | DV_EXPV_W_NUM | DVEXPVWNUM | Number of women |
Domestic Violence | Experience of physical violence | Women | DV_EXPV_W_UNW | DVEXPVWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_CHP | DVPCPVWCHP | Physical violence committed by current husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_FHP | DVPCPVWFHP | Physical violence committed by former husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_FTH | DVPCPVWFTH | Physical violence committed by father/step-father |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_MTH | DVPCPVWMTH | Physical violence committed by mother/step-mother |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_SIB | DVPCPVWSIB | Physical violence committed by sister/brother |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_CHD | DVPCPVWCHD | Physical violence committed by daughter/son |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_REL | DVPCPVWREL | Physical violence committed by other relative |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_MLW | DVPCPVWMLW | Physical violence committed by mother-in-law |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_FLW | DVPCPVWFLW | Physical violence committed by father-in-law |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_OLW | DVPCPVWOLW | Physical violence committed by other in-law |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_TCH | DVPCPVWTCH | Physical violence committed by teacher |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_EMP | DVPCPVWEMP | Physical violence committed by employer/someone at work |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_POL | DVPCPVWPOL | Physical violence committed by police/soldier |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_OTH | DVPCPVWOTH | Physical violence committed by other |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_NUM | DVPCPVWNUM | Number of women who have experienced physical violence since age 15 |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_UNW | DVPCPVWUNW | Number of women who have experienced physical violence since age 15 (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Experience of different forms of violence | Women | DV_FMVL_W_PHS | DVFMVLWPHS | Women who experienced physical violence only |
Domestic Violence | Experience of different forms of violence | Women | DV_FMVL_W_NUM | DVFMVLWNUM | Number of women |
Domestic Violence | Experience of different forms of violence | Women | DV_FMVL_W_UNW | DVFMVLWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Experience of violence during pregnancy | Women | DV_VPRG_W_VPG | DVVPRGWVPG | Women who experienced violence during pregnancy |
Domestic Violence | Experience of violence during pregnancy | Women | DV_VPRG_W_NUM | DVVPRGWNUM | Number of women who have ever been pregnant |
Domestic Violence | Experience of violence during pregnancy | Women | DV_VPRG_W_UNW | DVVPRGWUNW | Number of women who have ever been pregnant (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_JLS | DVMCTLWJLS | Women whose husband/partner is jealous or angry if she talks to other men |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_ACC | DVMCTLWACC | Women whose husband/partner frequently accuses her of being unfaithful |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_FFR | DVMCTLWFFR | Women whose husband/partner does not permit her to meet her female friends |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_FAM | DVMCTLWFAM | Women whose husband/partner tries to limit her contact with her family |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_WHR | DVMCTLWWHR | Women whose husband/partner insists on knowing where she is at all times |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_3BH | DVMCTLW3BH | Women whose husband/partner displays 3 or more of the specific behaviors |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_NON | DVMCTLWNON | Women whose husband/partner displays none of the specific behaviors |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_NUM | DVMCTLWNUM | Number of ever-married women |
Domestic Violence | Marital control exercised by husbands | Women | DV_MCTL_W_UNW | DVMCTLWUNW | Number of ever-married women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_PHS | DVFSVLWPHS | Spousal violence: Any physical violence |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_PSH | DVFSVLWPSH | Spousal violence: Pushed her, shook her, or threw something at her |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_SLP | DVFSVLWSLP | Spousal violence: Slapped her |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_TWS | DVFSVLWTWS | Spousal violence: Twisted her arm or pulled her hair |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_PCH | DVFSVLWPCH | Spousal violence: Punched her with his fist or with something that could hurt her |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_KIK | DVFSVLWKIK | Spousal violence: Kicked her, dragged her, or beat her up |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_CHK | DVFSVLWCHK | Spousal violence: Tried to choke her or burn her on purpose |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_KNF | DVFSVLWKNF | Spousal violence: Threatened or attacked her with a knife, gun, or other weapon |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_EMT | DVFSVLWEMT | Spousal violence: Any emotional violence |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_HUM | DVFSVLWHUM | Spousal violence: Said or did something to humiliate her in front of others |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_HRT | DVFSVLWHRT | Spousal violence: Threatened to hurt or harm her or someone she cared about |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_BAD | DVFSVLWBAD | Spousal violence: Insulted her or made her feel bad about herself |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_POS | DVFSVLWPOS | Spousal violence: Any form of physical and/or sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_ANY | DVFSVLWANY | Spousal violence: Any form of emotional and/or physical and/or sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_PPH | DVFSVLWPPH | Spousal violence: Physical violence committed by any husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_PPS | DVFSVLWPPS | Spousal violence: Physical and/or sexual violence committed by any husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_NUM | DVFSVLWNUM | Number of ever-married women |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_UNW | DVFSVLWUNW | Number of ever-married women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_EMT | DVSPVLWEMT | Emotional violence committed by husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_PHS | DVSPVLWPHS | Physical violence committed by husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_NUM | DVSPVLWNUM | Number of ever-married women |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_UNW | DVSPVLWUNW | Number of ever-married women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_EMT | DVSPV1WEMT | Emotional violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_PHS | DVSPV1WPHS | Physical violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_POS | DVSPV1WPOS | Physical or sexual violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_NUM | DVSPV1WNUM | Number of ever-married women |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_UNW | DVSPV1WUNW | Number of ever-married women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence by marriage duration | Women | DV_SPVM_W_M2Y | DVSPVMWM2Y | Spousal violence within 2 years of marriage |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence by marriage duration | Women | DV_SPVM_W_M5Y | DVSPVMWM5Y | Spousal violence within 5 years of marriage |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence by marriage duration | Women | DV_SPVM_W_M10 | DVSPVMWM10 | Spousal violence within 10 years of marriage |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence by marriage duration | Women | DV_SPVM_W_NON | DVSPVMWNON | Spousal violence not experienced |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence by marriage duration | Women | DV_SPVM_W_NUM | DVSPVMWNUM | Number of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence by marriage duration | Women | DV_SPVM_W_UNW | DVSPVMWUNW | Number of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Violence by women against their spouse | Women | DV_VIOW_W_EVR | DVVIOWWEVR | Committed physical violence against their husband/partner ever |
Domestic Violence | Violence by women against their spouse | Women | DV_VIOW_W_12M | DVVIOWW12M | Committed physical violence against their husband/partner in past 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Violence by women against their spouse | Women | DV_VIOW_W_NUM | DVVIOWWNUM | Number of ever-married women |
Domestic Violence | Violence by women against their spouse | Women | DV_VIOW_W_UNW | DVVIOWWUNW | Number of ever-married women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Help seeking to stop violence | Women | DV_STPV_W_HLP | DVSTPVWHLP | Sought help to stop violence |
Domestic Violence | Help seeking to stop violence | Women | DV_STPV_W_TLD | DVSTPVWTLD | Never sought help to stop violence, but told someone |
Domestic Violence | Help seeking to stop violence | Women | DV_STPV_W_NTL | DVSTPVWNTL | Never sought help to stop violence, and never told anyone |
Domestic Violence | Help seeking to stop violence | Women | DV_STPV_W_DKM | DVSTPVWDKM | don't know or missing of ever seeking help to stop violence |
Domestic Violence | Help seeking to stop violence | Women | DV_STPV_W_TOT | DVSTPVWTOT | Help seeking to stop violence: Total |
Domestic Violence | Help seeking to stop violence | Women | DV_STPV_W_NUM | DVSTPVWNUM | Number of ever-married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Help seeking to stop violence | Women | DV_STPV_W_UNW | DVSTPVWUNW | Number of ever-married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (unweighted) |
Education | School attendance by survivorship of parents | Children | ED_SCHA_C_SCA | EDSCHACSCA | Current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 both of whose parents are alive and who live with at least one parent |
Education | School attendance by survivorship of parents | Children | ED_SCHA_C_NMA | EDSCHACNMA | Number of children with both parents alive and living with at least one parent |
Education | School attendance by survivorship of parents | Children | ED_SCHA_C_UNA | EDSCHACUNA | Number of children with both parents alive and living with at least one parent (unweighted) |
Education | School attendance by survivorship of parents | Children | ED_SCHA_C_SCR | EDSCHACSCR | Ratio of orphans to non-orphans who are in school - mother, father or both dead |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_SCH | EDLITRMSCH | Men with secondary or higher education |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_RDW | EDLITRMRDW | Men who can read a whole sentence |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_RDP | EDLITRMRDP | Men who can read part of a sentence |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_NRD | EDLITRMNRD | Men who cannot read at all |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_NCD | EDLITRMNCD | Men for whom no card with required language was available |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_BLD | EDLITRMBLD | Men who are blind.visually impaired |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_MIS | EDLITRMMIS | Men with missing information on literacy |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_TOT | EDLITRMTOT | Men's literacy: Total |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_LIT | EDLITRMLIT | Men who are literate |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_NUM | EDLITRMNUM | Number of men |
Education | Literacy | Men | ED_LITR_M_UNW | EDLITRMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Women | ED_MDIA_W_NWS | EDMDIAWNWS | Women who read a newspaper at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Women | ED_MDIA_W_TLV | EDMDIAWTLV | Women who watch television at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Women | ED_MDIA_W_RDO | EDMDIAWRDO | Women who listen to the radio at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Women | ED_MDIA_W_3MD | EDMDIAW3MD | Women with access to newspaper, television and radio at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Women | ED_MDIA_W_N3M | EDMDIAWN3M | Women with no access to mass media |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Women | ED_MDIA_W_NUM | EDMDIAWNUM | Number of women |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Women | ED_MDIA_W_UNW | EDMDIAWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Men | ED_MDIA_M_NWS | EDMDIAMNWS | Men who read a newspaper at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Men | ED_MDIA_M_TLV | EDMDIAMTLV | Men who watch television at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Men | ED_MDIA_M_RDO | EDMDIAMRDO | Men who listen to the radio at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Men | ED_MDIA_M_3MD | EDMDIAM3MD | Men with access to newspaper, television and radio at least once a week |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Men | ED_MDIA_M_N3M | EDMDIAMN3M | Men with no access to mass media |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Men | ED_MDIA_M_NUM | EDMDIAMNUM | Number of men |
Education | Exposure to mass media | Men | ED_MDIA_M_UNW | EDMDIAMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Employment | Employment status | Men | EM_EMPL_M_EMC | EMEMPLMEMC | Men who worked in the last 12 months and are currently |
Employment | Employment status | Men | EM_EMPL_M_ENC | EMEMPLMENC | Men who worked in the last 12 months, but not currently |
Employment | Employment status | Men | EM_EMPL_M_N12 | EMEMPLMN12 | Men who did no work in the last 12 months |
Employment | Employment status | Men | EM_EMPL_M_DKM | EMEMPLMDKM | Men with don't know or missing information on whether they worked in the last 12 months |
Employment | Employment status | Men | EM_EMPL_M_TOT | EMEMPLMTOT | Men : Total |
Employment | Employment status | Men | EM_EMPL_M_NUM | EMEMPLMNUM | Number of men |
Employment | Employment status | Men | EM_EMPL_M_UNW | EMEMPLMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_PRO | EMOCCPMPRO | Men's occupation: Professional, technical, managerial |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_CLR | EMOCCPMCLR | Men's occupation: Clerical |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_SAL | EMOCCPMSAL | Men's occupation: Sales, services |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_MNS | EMOCCPMMNS | Men's occupation: Skilled manual |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_MNU | EMOCCPMMNU | Men's occupation: Unskilled manual |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_DOM | EMOCCPMDOM | Men's occupation: Household & domestic |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_AGR | EMOCCPMAGR | Men's occupation: Agriculture |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_DKM | EMOCCPMDKM | Men with don't know or missing information on occupation |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_TOT | EMOCCPMTOT | Men's occupation: Total |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_NUM | EMOCCPMNUM | Number of men employed in the last 12 months |
Employment | Occupation | Men | EM_OCCP_M_UNW | EMOCCPMUNW | Number of men employed in the last 12 months (unweighted) |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_CAK | EMEMPTWCAK | Women who worked for cash and in-kind payment |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_KND | EMEMPTWKND | Women who worked for in-kind payment only |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_FAM | EMEMPTWFAM | Women employed by family member |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_NFM | EMEMPTWNFM | Women employed by non-family member |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_SEM | EMEMPTWSEM | Women self-employed |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_EMS | EMEMPTWEMS | Women with missing information on type of employer |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_AYR | EMEMPTWAYR | Women who worked all year |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_SES | EMEMPTWSES | Women who worked seasonally |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_OCC | EMEMPTWOCC | Women who worked occasionally |
Employment | Type of employment | Women | EM_EMPT_W_TMS | EMEMPTWTMS | Women with don't know or missing information on recent work |
Employment | Employment of married persons | Men | EM_EMPM_M_EMP | EMEMPMMEMP | Married men employed in the last 12 months |
Employment | Employment of married persons | Men | EM_EMPM_M_NUM | EMEMPMMNUM | Number of married men |
Employment | Employment of married persons | Men | EM_EMPM_M_UNW | EMEMPMMUNW | Number of married men (unweighted) |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_CAK | EMERNMWCAK | Married women who worked for cash and in-kind payment |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Women | EM_ERNM_W_KND | EMERNMWKND | Married women who worked for in-kind payment only |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_CSH | EMERNMMCSH | Married men who worked for cash only |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_CAK | EMERNMMCAK | Married men who worked for cash and in-kind payment |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_KND | EMERNMMKND | Married men who worked for in-kind payment only |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_NPD | EMERNMMNPD | Married men who worked unpaid |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_DKM | EMERNMMDKM | Married men with missing information on type of earnings |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_TOT | EMERNMMTOT | Men: Total |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_NM1 | EMERNMMNM1 | Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings |
Employment | Earnings of married persons | Men | EM_ERNM_M_UN1 | EMERNMMUN1 | Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_WIF | EMWERNWWIF | Women who decide themselves how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_JNT | EMWERNWJNT | Women who decide jointly with partner how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_HUS | EMWERNWHUS | Women whose partner decides how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_OTH | EMWERNWOTH | Women for whom 'other' decides how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_DKM | EMWERNWDKM | Women with don't know or missing information on who decides how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_TOT | EMWERNWTOT | Married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings: Total |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_NUM | EMWERNWNUM | Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings |
Employment | Control over women's cash earnings | Women | EM_WERN_W_UNW | EMWERNWUNW | Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_MOR | EMRERNWMOR | Wife earns more than husband |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_LES | EMRERNWLES | Wife earns less than husband |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_SAM | EMRERNWSAM | Wife earns about the same as husband |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_NON | EMRERNWNON | Husband has no earnings |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_DKM | EMRERNWDKM | Wife doesn't know relative earnings |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_TOT | EMRERNWTOT | Wife's earns relative to husbands: Total |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_NUM | EMRERNWNUM | Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings |
Employment | Relative magnitude of women's cash earnings | Women | EM_RERN_W_UNW | EMRERNWUNW | Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_WIF | EMMERNWWIF | Women who decide herself how her husband's earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_JNT | EMMERNWJNT | Women who decide jointly with partner how her husband's earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_HUS | EMMERNWHUS | Women whose husband/partner decides how her husband's earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_OTH | EMMERNWOTH | Women for whom 'other' decides how her husband's earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_DKM | EMMERNWDKM | Women with don't know or missing information on who decides how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_TOT | EMMERNWTOT | Women whose husbands earned cash earnings: Total |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_NUM | EMMERNWNUM | Number of married women whose husbands are emplyed for cash earnings |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Women | EM_MERN_W_UNW | EMMERNWUNW | Number of married women whose husbands are emplyed for cash earnings (unweighted) |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_WIF | EMMERNMWIF | Men whose partner decides how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_JNT | EMMERNMJNT | Men who decide jointly with partner how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_HUS | EMMERNMHUS | Men who decide themselves how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_OTH | EMMERNMOTH | Men for whom 'other' decides how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_DKM | EMMERNMDKM | Men with don't know or missing information on who decides how their earnings are used |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_TOT | EMMERNMTOT | Married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings: Total |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_NUM | EMMERNMNUM | Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings |
Employment | Control over husband's cash earnings | Men | EM_MERN_M_UNW | EMMERNMUNW | Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_FLT | WSSRCEHFLT | Households using water that has been purified or is from a filtration plant |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_FLT | WSSRCEPFLT | Population living in households using water that has been purified or is from a filtration plant |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_FPT | WSTLETHFPT | Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a pit latrine |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_FPT | WSTLETPFPT | Population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a pit latrine |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_OBS | WSHNDWHOBS | Households with a place for handwashing was observed |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_NUM | WSHNDWHNUM | Number of households |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_UNW | WSHNDWHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_WAT | WSHNDWHWAT | Households with water available for handwashing |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_SOP | WSHNDWHSOP | Households with soap available for handwashing |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_CLN | WSHNDWHCLN | Households with cleansing agent other than soap available for handwashing |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_NM1 | WSHNDWHNM1 | Number of households with place for handwashing observed |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_UN1 | WSHNDWHUN1 | Number of households with place for handwashing observed (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_BAS | WSHNDWHBAS | Households with a basic handwashing facility, with soap and water available |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_LTD | WSHNDWHLTD | Households with a limited handwashing facility, lacking soap and/or water |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_NUM | WSHNDWHNUM | Number of households |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_UNW | WSHNDWHUNW | Number of households (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_OBS | WSHNDWPOBS | Population with a place for handwashing was observed |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_NUM | WSHNDWPNUM | Number of persons |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_UNW | WSHNDWPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_WAT | WSHNDWPWAT | Population with water available for handwashing |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_SOP | WSHNDWPSOP | Population with soap available for handwashing |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_CLN | WSHNDWPCLN | Population with cleansing agent other than soap available for handwashing |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_NM1 | WSHNDWPNM1 | Number of persons living in households with place for handwashing observed |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_UN1 | WSHNDWPUN1 | Number of persons living in households with place for handwashing observed (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_BAS | WSHNDWPBAS | Population living in households with a basic handwashing facility, with soap and water available |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_LTD | WSHNDWPLTD | Population living in households with a limited handwashing facility, lacking soap and/or water |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_NUM | WSHNDWPNUM | Number of persons |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_UNW | WSHNDWPUNW | Number of persons (unweighted) |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_DNG | HCFLRMHDNG | Households with dung floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_RUD | HCFLRMHRUD | Households with rudimentary floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_WDP | HCFLRMHWDP | Households with wood plank floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Households | HC_FLRM_H_PLM | HCFLRMHPLM | Households with palm/bamboo floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_DNG | HCFLRMPDNG | Population with dung floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_RUD | HCFLRMPRUD | Population with rudimentary floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_WDP | HCFLRMPWDP | Population with wood plank floors |
Household Characteristics | Flooring material | Population | HC_FLRM_P_PLM | HCFLRMPPLM | Population with palm/bamboo floors |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Households | HC_CKPL_H_HSE | HCCKPLHHSE | Households cooking in the house |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Households | HC_CKPL_H_SEP | HCCKPLHSEP | Households cooking in a separate building |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Households | HC_CKPL_H_OUT | HCCKPLHOUT | Households cooking outdoors |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Households | HC_CKPL_H_NFD | HCCKPLHNFD | Households cooking no food in the household |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Households | HC_CKPL_H_OTH | HCCKPLHOTH | Households cooking in other places |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Households | HC_CKPL_H_DKM | HCCKPLHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information on place for cooking |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Population | HC_CKPL_P_HSE | HCCKPLPHSE | Population cooking in the house |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Population | HC_CKPL_P_SEP | HCCKPLPSEP | Population cooking in a separate building |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Population | HC_CKPL_P_OUT | HCCKPLPOUT | Population cooking outdoors |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Population | HC_CKPL_P_NFD | HCCKPLPNFD | Population cooking no food in the household |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Population | HC_CKPL_P_OTH | HCCKPLPOTH | Population cooking in other places |
Household Characteristics | Place for cooking | Population | HC_CKPL_P_DKM | HCCKPLPDKM | Population with don't know or missing information on place for cooking |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Households | HC_CKFL_H_COL | HCCKFLHCOL | Households cooking with coal, lignite |
Household Characteristics | Cooking fuel | Population | HC_CKFL_P_COL | HCCKFLPCOL | Population cooking with coal, lignite |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Households | HC_SMKH_H_DLY | HCSMKHHDLY | Households with smoking in the household daily |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Households | HC_SMKH_H_WLY | HCSMKHHWLY | Households with smoking in the household weekly |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Households | HC_SMKH_H_MLY | HCSMKHHMLY | Households with smoking in the household monthly |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Households | HC_SMKH_H_LES | HCSMKHHLES | Households with smoking in the household less than monthly |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Households | HC_SMKH_H_NEV | HCSMKHHNEV | Households with no smoking in the household ever |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Households | HC_SMKH_H_DKM | HCSMKHHDKM | Households with don't know or missing information of the frequency of smoking in the household |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Population | HC_SMKH_P_DLY | HCSMKHPDLY | Population with smoking in the household daily |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Population | HC_SMKH_P_WLY | HCSMKHPWLY | Population with smoking in the household weekly |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Population | HC_SMKH_P_MLY | HCSMKHPMLY | Population with smoking in the household monthly |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Population | HC_SMKH_P_LES | HCSMKHPLES | Population with smoking in the household less than monthly |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Population | HC_SMKH_P_NEV | HCSMKHPNEV | Population with no smoking in the household ever |
Household Characteristics | Frequency of smoking in the home | Population | HC_SMKH_P_DKM | HCSMKHPDKM | Population with don't know or missing information of the frequency of smoking in the household |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_MPH | HCHEFFHMPH | Households possessing a mobile telephone |
Household Characteristics | Wealth quintiles | Population | HC_WIXQ_P_GNI | HCWIXQPGNI | Wealth index Gini coefficient |
Household Characteristics | Households with orphans and foster children | Households | HC_ORPH_H_FOS | HCORPHHFOS | Households with foster children |
Household Characteristics | Households with orphans and foster children | Households | HC_ORPH_H_DBL | HCORPHHDBL | Households with double orphans |
Household Characteristics | Households with orphans and foster children | Households | HC_ORPH_H_SNG | HCORPHHSNG | Households with single orphans |
Household Characteristics | Households with orphans and foster children | Households | HC_ORPH_H_FOR | HCORPHHFOR | Households with foster children and/or orphan children |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_BTH | HCLVARCBTH | Children living with both parents |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_MFA | HCLVARCMFA | Children living with mother, father alive |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_MFD | HCLVARCMFD | Children living with mother, father dead |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_FMA | HCLVARCFMA | Children living with father, mother alive |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_FMD | HCLVARCFMD | Children living with father, mother dead |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_NBA | HCLVARCNBA | Children living with neither parent, both alive |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_NMA | HCLVARCNMA | Children living with neither parent, mother alive |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_NFA | HCLVARCNFA | Children living with neither parent, father alive |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_NBD | HCLVARCNBD | Children living with neither parent, both dead |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_NMS | HCLVARCNMS | Children with missing information on whether father/mother alive |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_TOT | HCLVARCTOT | Children: Total |
Household Characteristics | Children's living arrangements and orphanhood | Children | HC_LVAR_C_NBP | HCLVARCNBP | Children not living with a biological parent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_INT | SVRESIMINT | Sample implementation: Eligible men completed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_NAH | SVRESIMNAH | Sample implementation: Eligible men not at home |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_POS | SVRESIMPOS | Sample implementation: Eligible men postponed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_REF | SVRESIMREF | Sample implementation: Eligible men refused |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_PRT | SVRESIMPRT | Sample implementation: Eligible men partly completed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_INC | SVRESIMINC | Sample implementation: Eligible men incapacitated |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_OTH | SVRESIMOTH | Sample implementation: Eligible men other |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_TOT | SVRESIMTOT | Sample implementation: Eligible men total percent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_ELG | SVRESIMELG | Number of eligible men |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_INN | SVRESIMINN | Number of eligible men interviewed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_RES | SVRESIMRES | Eligible men response rate |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the individual interviews | Men | SV_RESI_M_ORR | SVRESIMORR | Sample implementation: Overall response rate for men |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_INT | SVHRSMHINT | Men's survey sample implementation: Households completed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_NOR | SVHRSMHNOR | Men's survey sample implementation: Households no competent respondent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_POS | SVHRSMHPOS | Men's survey sample implementation: Households postponed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_REF | SVHRSMHREF | Men's survey sample implementation: Households refused |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_DNF | SVHRSMHDNF | Men's survey sample implementation: Households dwelling not found |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_ABS | SVHRSMHABS | Men's survey sample implementation: Households absent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_VAC | SVHRSMHVAC | Men's survey sample implementation: Households dwelling vacant |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_DES | SVHRSMHDES | Men's survey sample implementation: Households dwelling destroyed |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_OTH | SVHRSMHOTH | Men's survey sample implementation: Households other |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_TOT | SVHRSMHTOT | Men's survey sample implementation: Households total percent |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_SEL | SVHRSMHSEL | Number of households sampled for men's survey |
Survey Characteristics | Results of the household interviews for men's subsample | Households | SV_HRSM_H_RES | SVHRSMHRES | Households response rate for men's survey |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Men | SV_INTV_M_MED | SVINTVMMED | Median duration of men's interview |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Men | SV_INTV_M_MNI | SVINTVMMNI | Mean duration of men's interview |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Men | SV_INTV_M_NUM | SVINTVMNUM | Number of men interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time [Men] |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Women | FE_TNBH_W_SEX | FETNBHWSEX | Teenage women who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15 |
Fertility | Teen sexual health behaviors before age 15 | Men | FE_TNBH_M_SEX | FETNBHMSEX | Teenage men who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15 |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Women | FP_KMTM_W_OMD | FPKMTMWOMD | Knowledge of other modern methods (married women) |
Family Planning | Knowledge of contraceptive methods by currently married respondents | Men | FP_KMTM_M_STD | FPKMTMMSTD | Knowledge of standard days method (married men) |
Family Planning | Current use of contraception by currently married women | Women | FP_CUSM_W_EMC | FPCUSMWEMC | Married women currently using emergency contraception |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_MOB | FPEFPMWMOB | Family planning messages on mobile phone |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Women | FP_EFPM_W_NO4 | FPEFPMWNO4 | Family planning messages in none of these four media |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_MOB | FPEFPMMMOB | Family planning messages on mobile phone |
Family Planning | Exposure to family planning messages | Men | FP_EFPM_M_NO4 | FPEFPMMNO4 | Family planning messages in none of these four media |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_NWF | FPDMKFWNWF | Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by wife |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_NJN | FPDMKFWNJN | Family planning non-use decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_NHS | FPDMKFWNHS | Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by husband |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_NDK | FPDMKFWNDK | Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by others/don't know/missing |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_NTT | FPDMKFWNTT | Family planning non-use decisionmaking: total |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_NNM | FPDMKFWNNM | Number of currently married women not using family planning |
Family Planning | Decisionmaking about family planning | Women | FP_DMKF_W_NUN | FPDMKFWNUN | Number of currently married women not using family planning (unweighted) |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_B15 | SXSBAGWB15 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Women] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_B18 | SXSBAGWB18 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Women] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_B20 | SXSBAGWB20 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Women] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_B22 | SXSBAGWB22 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 22 [Women] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_B25 | SXSBAGWB25 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 25 [Women] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_NSX | SXSBAGWNSX | Never had sexual intercourse [Women] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_NUM | SXSBAGWNUM | Number of women |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Women | SX_SBAG_W_UNW | SXSBAGWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_B15 | SXSBAGMB15 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Men] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_B18 | SXSBAGMB18 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Men] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_B20 | SXSBAGMB20 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Men] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_B22 | SXSBAGMB22 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 22 [Men] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_B25 | SXSBAGMB25 | First sexual intercourse by exact age 25 [Men] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_NSX | SXSBAGMNSX | Never had sexual intercourse [Men] |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_NUM | SXSBAGMNUM | Number of men |
Sexual Activity | Percentage first sexual intercourse by exact age | Men | SX_SBAG_M_UNW | SXSBAGMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Women | SX_AAFS_W_M25 | SXAAFSWM25 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 25-29 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Women | SX_AAFS_W_M30 | SXAAFSWM30 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 30-34 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Women | SX_AAFS_W_M35 | SXAAFSWM35 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 35-39 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Women | SX_AAFS_W_M40 | SXAAFSWM40 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 40-44 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Women | SX_AAFS_W_M45 | SXAAFSWM45 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 45-49 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Women | SX_AAFS_W_M2B | SXAAFSWM2B | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 25-49 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Men | SX_AAFS_M_M30 | SXAAFSMM30 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 30-34 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Men | SX_AAFS_M_M35 | SXAAFSMM35 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 35-39 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Men | SX_AAFS_M_M40 | SXAAFSMM40 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 40-44 |
Sexual Activity | Median age at first sexual intercourse | Men | SX_AAFS_M_M45 | SXAAFSMM45 | Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 45-49 |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Women | SX_LSEX_W_NSX | SXLSEXWNSX | Recent sexual activity: Never had sex |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Men | SX_LSEX_M_4WK | SXLSEXM4WK | Recent sexual activity [Men]: Active 4 Weeks |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Men | SX_LSEX_M_1YR | SXLSEXM1YR | Recent sexual activity [Men]: Within the last year |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Men | SX_LSEX_M_1PY | SXLSEXM1PY | Recent sexual activity [Men]: One or more years ago |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Men | SX_LSEX_M_MIS | SXLSEXMMIS | Recent sexual activity [Men]: Missing |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Men | SX_LSEX_M_TOT | SXLSEXMTOT | Men: Total |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Men | SX_LSEX_M_NUM | SXLSEXMNUM | Number of men |
Sexual Activity | Timing of last sexual intercourse | Men | SX_LSEX_M_UNW | SXLSEXMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the mother | Women | RH_PCMP_W_OHW | RHPCMPWOHW | Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Other health worker |
Reproductive Health | Type of provider of first postnatal checkup for the newborn | Children | RH_PCCP_C_OHW | RHPCCPCOHW | Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Other health worker |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_TLT | CHDSTLCTLT | Disposal of stools: Child uses toilet |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_RTL | CHDSTLCRTL | Disposal of stools: Throw in toilet/latrine |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_BUR | CHDSTLCBUR | Disposal of stools: Bury in the yard |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_RDR | CHDSTLCRDR | Disposal of stools: Rinse away |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_GBG | CHDSTLCGBG | Disposal of stools:Thrown into garbage |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_OPN | CHDSTLCOPN | Disposal of stools:Left in the open |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_OTH | CHDSTLCOTH | Disposal of stools: Other |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_DKM | CHDSTLCDKM | Disposal of stools: don't know or missing |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_TOT | CHDSTLCTOT | Disposal of stools: Total |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_SAF | CHDSTLCSAF | Safe disposal of stools |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_NUM | CHDSTLCNUM | Number of mothers whose youngest child under five years is living with her |
Child Health | Disposal of children's stools | Children | CH_DSTL_C_UNW | CHDSTLCUNW | Number of mothers whose youngest child under five years is living with her (unweighted) |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_LLN | MLNETPHLLN | Households with at least one long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_MNL | MLNETPHMNL | Mean number of long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets (LLINs) per household |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_IT2 | MLNETPHIT2 | Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night |
Malaria | Household possession of mosquito nets | Households | ML_NETP_H_LL2 | MLNETPHLL2 | Households with at least one long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night |
Malaria | Indoor residual spraying against mosquitoes | Households | ML_IRSM_H_IRS | MLIRSMHIRS | Households with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in last 12 months |
Malaria | Indoor residual spraying against mosquitoes | Households | ML_IRSM_H_I2I | MLIRSMHI2I | Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) for every two persons and/or indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_ITN | MLNETUPITN | Population who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_LLN | MLNETUPLLN | Population who slept under an LLIN last night |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_ITI | MLNETUPITI | Population who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by persons in the household | Population | ML_NETU_P_IT1 | MLNETUPIT1 | Population who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night of those living in a household with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) |
Malaria | Use of existing ITNs | Nets | ML_ITNU_N_ITN | MLITNUNITN | Existing insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) used last night |
Malaria | Use of existing ITNs | Nets | ML_ITNU_N_NUM | MLITNUNNUM | Number of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) |
Malaria | Use of existing ITNs | Nets | ML_ITNU_N_UNW | MLITNUNUNW | Number of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) (unweighted) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_ANY | MLNETCCANY | Children under 5 who slept under any net |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_ITN | MLNETCCITN | Children under 5 who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_LLN | MLNETCCLLN | Children under 5 who slept under a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_ITI | MLNETCCITI | Children under 5 who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_NUM | MLNETCCNUM | Number of children under 5 |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_UNW | MLNETCCUNW | Number of children under 5 (unweighted) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_IT1 | MLNETCCIT1 | Children under 5 who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night of those living in a household with at least one ITN |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_NM1 | MLNETCCNM1 | Number of children under 5 in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by children | Children | ML_NETC_C_UN1 | MLNETCCUN1 | Number of children under 5 in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) (unweighted) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_ANY | MLNETWWANY | Pregnant women who slept under any net |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_ITN | MLNETWWITN | Pregnant women who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_LLN | MLNETWWLLN | Pregnant women who slept under a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_ITI | MLNETWWITI | Pregnant women who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_NUM | MLNETWWNUM | Number of pregnant women |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_UNW | MLNETWWUNW | Number of pregnant women (unweighted) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_IT1 | MLNETWWIT1 | Pregnant women who slept under insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night of those living in a household with at least one ITN |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_NM1 | MLNETWWNM1 | Number of pregnant women in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) |
Malaria | Use of mosquito nets by pregnant women | Women | ML_NETW_W_UN1 | MLNETWWUN1 | Number of pregnant women in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) (unweighted) |
Malaria | Diagnosis and treatment of children with fever | Children | ML_FEVT_C_ACT | MLFEVTCACT | Children with fever who took a combination with artemisinin |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_GHP | MLFEVSCGHP | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health post |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever | Children | ML_FEVS_C_TRD | MLFEVSCTRD | Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a traditional practitioner |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_GHP | MLFEVACGHP | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a government health post |
Malaria | Source of advice or treatment for children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought | Children | ML_FEVA_C_TRD | MLFEVACTRD | Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a traditional practitioner |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_ACT | MLAMLDCACT | Children who took any ACT |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_AMQ | MLAMLDCAMQ | Children who took Amodiaquine |
Malaria | Type of antimalarial drugs used | Children | ML_AMLD_C_ART | MLAMLDCART | Children who took Artesunate mono therapy |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Women | HA_ANSS_W_RSX | HAANSSWRSX | Woman is justified in refusing to have sexual intercourse with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Women | HA_ANSS_W_CND | HAANSSWCND | Woman is justified in asking that they use a condom if she knows that her husband has an sti [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Women | HA_ANSS_W_NUM | HAANSSWNUM | Number of women |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Women | HA_ANSS_W_UNW | HAANSSWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Men | HA_ANSS_M_RSX | HAANSSMRSX | Woman is justified in refusing to have sexual intercourse with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Men | HA_ANSS_M_CND | HAANSSMCND | Woman is justified in asking that they use a condom if she knows that her husband has an sti [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Men | HA_ANSS_M_NUM | HAANSSMNUM | Number of men |
HIV/AIDS | Attitudes toward negotiating safer sexual relations with husband | Men | HA_ANSS_M_UNW | HAANSSMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_ETR | HACPHTWETR | Women ever tested for HIV and received test results |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_ETN | HACPHTWETN | Women ever tested for HIV and did not receive test results |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_NEV | HACPHTWNEV | Women never tested for HIV |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_TOT | HACPHTWTOT | Women's HIV testing: Total |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_EVT | HACPHTWEVT | Women ever receiving an HIV test |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Women | HA_CPHT_W_T1R | HACPHTWT1R | Women receiving an HIV test and receiving test results in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_ETR | HACPHTMETR | Men ever tested for HIV and received test results |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_ETN | HACPHTMETN | Men ever tested for HIV and did not receive test results |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_TOT | HACPHTMTOT | Men's HIV testing: Total |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_EVT | HACPHTMEVT | Men ever receiving an HIV test |
HIV/AIDS | Coverage of prior HIV testing | Men | HA_CPHT_M_T1R | HACPHTMT1R | Men receiving an HIV test and receiving test results in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Men | HA_STIS_M_DIS | HASTISMDIS | Men reporting a bad smelling or abnormal genital discharge |
HIV/AIDS | Self-reported prevalence of STIs and symptoms | Men | HA_STIS_M_SOR | HASTISMSOR | Men reporting a genital sore or ulcer |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Women | HA_AFSY_W_A15 | HAAFSYWA15 | Sex before the age of 15 [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Women | HA_AFSY_W_NM1 | HAAFSYWNM1 | Number of young women |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Women | HA_AFSY_W_UN1 | HAAFSYWUN1 | Number of young women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Women | HA_AFSY_W_A18 | HAAFSYWA18 | Sex before the age of 18 [Women] |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Women | HA_AFSY_W_NM2 | HAAFSYWNM2 | Number of young women age 18-24 |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Women | HA_AFSY_W_UN2 | HAAFSYWUN2 | Number of young women age 18-24 (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Men | HA_AFSY_M_A15 | HAAFSYMA15 | Sex before the age of 15 [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Men | HA_AFSY_M_NM1 | HAAFSYMNM1 | Number of young men |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Men | HA_AFSY_M_UN1 | HAAFSYMUN1 | Number of young men (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Men | HA_AFSY_M_A18 | HAAFSYMA18 | Sex before the age of 18 [Men] |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Men | HA_AFSY_M_NM2 | HAAFSYMNM2 | Number of young men age 18-24 |
HIV/AIDS | Age at first sexual intercourse among young people | Men | HA_AFSY_M_UN2 | HAAFSYMUN2 | Number of young men age 18-24 (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Recent HIV tests among young people | Women | HA_HVTY_W_TRR | HAHVTYWTRR | HIV testing behaviour among young women, sexually active in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Recent HIV tests among young people | Women | HA_HVTY_W_NUM | HAHVTYWNUM | Number of sexually active young women |
HIV/AIDS | Recent HIV tests among young people | Women | HA_HVTY_W_UNW | HAHVTYWUNW | Number of sexually active young women (unweighted) |
HIV/AIDS | Recent HIV tests among young people | Men | HA_HVTY_M_TRR | HAHVTYMTRR | HIV testing behaviour among young men, sexually active in the last 12 months |
HIV/AIDS | Recent HIV tests among young people | Men | HA_HVTY_M_NUM | HAHVTYMNUM | Number of sexually active young men |
HIV/AIDS | Recent HIV tests among young people | Men | HA_HVTY_M_UNW | HAHVTYMUNW | Number of sexually active young men (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_SOS | AHHINSWSOS | Social security health insurance [Women] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_EBI | AHHINSWEBI | Other employer-base health insurance [Women] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_MUT | AHHINSWMUT | Mutual health organzation or community-base health insurance [Women] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_PRV | AHHINSWPRV | Privately purchased commercial insurance [Women] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_OTH | AHHINSWOTH | Other health insurance [Women] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_NON | AHHINSWNON | No health insurance [Women] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_NUM | AHHINSWNUM | Number of women |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Women | AH_HINS_W_UNW | AHHINSWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_SOS | AHHINSMSOS | Social security health insurance [Men] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_EBI | AHHINSMEBI | Other employer-base health insurance [Men] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_MUT | AHHINSMMUT | Mutual health organzation or community-base health insurance [Men] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_PRV | AHHINSMPRV | Privately purchased commercial insurance [Men] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_OTH | AHHINSMOTH | Other health insurance [Men] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_NON | AHHINSMNON | No health insurance [Men] |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_NUM | AHHINSMNUM | Number of men |
Adult Health | Health insurance coverage | Men | AH_HINS_M_UNW | AHHINSMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Women | AH_TOBC_W_OTH | AHTOBCWOTH | Women who smoke other tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_DLY | AHTOBCMDLY | Men who smoke daily |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_OCC | AHTOBCMOCC | Men who smoke occasionally |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_NON | AHTOBCMNON | Men who do not smoke |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_DKM | AHTOBCMDKM | Men's smoking: DK/missing |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco | Men | AH_TOBC_M_TOT | AHTOBCMTOT | Men's smoking: Total |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_SNM | AHTOBUWSNM | Women using snuff by mouth |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_SNN | AHTOBUWSNN | Women using snuff by nose |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_CHW | AHTOBUWCHW | Women using chewing tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_BTQ | AHTOBUWBTQ | Women using betel quid with tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_ASM | AHTOBUWASM | Women using any type of smokeless tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_ATB | AHTOBUWATB | Women using any type of tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_NUM | AHTOBUWNUM | Number of women |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Women | AH_TOBU_W_UNW | AHTOBUWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_SNM | AHTOBUMSNM | Men using snuff by mouth |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_SNN | AHTOBUMSNN | Men using snuff by nose |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_CHW | AHTOBUMCHW | Men using chewing tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_BTQ | AHTOBUMBTQ | Men using betel quid with tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_ASM | AHTOBUMASM | Men using any type of smokeless tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_ATB | AHTOBUMATB | Men using any type of tobacco |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_NUM | AHTOBUMNUM | Number of men |
Adult Health | Use of tobacco products | Men | AH_TOBU_M_UNW | AHTOBUMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Women | WE_DMKH_W_ELS | WEDMKHWELS | Decision maker about Own health care: Someone else [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Own health care | Men | WE_DMKH_M_ELS | WEDMKHMELS | Decision maker about Own health care: Someone else [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Women | WE_DMKP_W_ELS | WEDMKPWELS | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Someone else [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Major household purchases | Men | WE_DMKP_M_ELS | WEDMKPMELS | Decision maker about Major household purchases: Someone else [Men] |
Women's Empowerment | Participation in decision making: Visits to her family or relatives | Women | WE_DMKV_W_ELS | WEDMKVWELS | Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Someone else [Women] |
Women's Empowerment | Justified in refusing sex | Women | WE_JRSX_W_SEX | WEJRSXWSEX | Justified in refusing sex if she knows husband has sex with other women |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing physical violence | Women | DV_PCPV_W_CBF | DVPCPVWCBF | Physical violence committed by current boyfriend |
Domestic Violence | Experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_EXSV_W_EVR | DVEXSVWEVR | Women who ever experienced sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_EXSV_W_12M | DVEXSVW12M | Women who experienced sexual violence in past 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_EXSV_W_NUM | DVEXSVWNUM | Number of women |
Domestic Violence | Experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_EXSV_W_UNW | DVEXSVWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_CHP | DVPCSVWCHP | Sexual violence committed by current husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_FHP | DVPCSVWFHP | Sexual violence committed by former husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_BFR | DVPCSVWBFR | Sexual violence committed by current/former boyfriend |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_FTH | DVPCSVWFTH | Sexual violence committed by father/step-father |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_REL | DVPCSVWREL | Sexual violence committed by other relative |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_FFR | DVPCSVWFFR | Sexual violence committed by family friend |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_EMP | DVPCSVWEMP | Sexual violence committed by employer/someone at work |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_POL | DVPCSVWPOL | Sexual violence committed by police/soldier |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_STR | DVPCSVWSTR | Sexual violence committed by stranger |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_NUM | DVPCSVWNUM | Number of women who have experienced sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Persons committing sexual violence | Women | DV_PCSV_W_UNW | DVPCSVWUNW | Number of women who have experienced sexual violence (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Age at first experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_AFSV_W_A12 | DVAFSVWA12 | Sexual violence before exact age 12 |
Domestic Violence | Age at first experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_AFSV_W_A15 | DVAFSVWA15 | Sexual violence before exact age 15 |
Domestic Violence | Age at first experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_AFSV_W_A18 | DVAFSVWA18 | Sexual violence before exact age 18 |
Domestic Violence | Age at first experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_AFSV_W_A22 | DVAFSVWA22 | Sexual violence before exact age 22 |
Domestic Violence | Age at first experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_AFSV_W_NON | DVAFSVWNON | Never experienced sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Age at first experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_AFSV_W_NUM | DVAFSVWNUM | Number of women |
Domestic Violence | Age at first experience of sexual violence | Women | DV_AFSV_W_UNW | DVAFSVWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Domestic Violence | Experience of different forms of violence | Women | DV_FMVL_W_SEX | DVFMVLWSEX | Women who experienced sexual violence only |
Domestic Violence | Experience of different forms of violence | Women | DV_FMVL_W_PAS | DVFMVLWPAS | Women who experienced physical and sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Experience of different forms of violence | Women | DV_FMVL_W_POS | DVFMVLWPOS | Women who experienced physical or sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_SEX | DVFSVLWSEX | Spousal violence: Any sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_FRC | DVFSVLWFRC | Spousal violence: Physically forced her to have sexual intercourse with him when she did not want to |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_ACT | DVFSVLWACT | Spousal violence: Physically forced her to perform any other sexual acts she did not want to |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_SXO | DVFSVLWSXO | Spousal violence: Forced her with threats or in any other way to perform sexual acts she did not want to |
Domestic Violence | Forms of spousal violence | Women | DV_FSVL_W_PSX | DVFSVLWPSX | Spousal violence: Sexual violence committed by any husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_SEX | DVSPVLWSEX | Sexual violence committed by husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_PAS | DVSPVLWPAS | Physical and sexual violence committed by husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_ALL | DVSPVLWALL | Physical and sexual and emotional violence committed by husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_POS | DVSPVLWPOS | Physical or sexual violence committed by husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence | Women | DV_SPVL_W_ANY | DVSPVLWANY | Physical or sexual or emotional violence committed by husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_SEX | DVSPV1WSEX | Sexual violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_PAS | DVSPV1WPAS | Physical and sexual violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_ALL | DVSPV1WALL | Physical and sexual and emotional violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence in last 12 months | Women | DV_SPV1_W_ANY | DVSPV1WANY | Physical or sexual or emotional violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months |
Domestic Violence | Spousal violence by marriage duration | Women | DV_SPVM_W_BEF | DVSPVMWBEF | Spousal violence before marriage |
Domestic Violence | Injuries to women due to spousal violence | Women | DV_INJR_W_CUT | DVINJRWCUT | Cuts, bruises or aches resulting from spousal violence |
Domestic Violence | Injuries to women due to spousal violence | Women | DV_INJR_W_INJ | DVINJRWINJ | Eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns resulting from spousal violence |
Domestic Violence | Injuries to women due to spousal violence | Women | DV_INJR_W_WND | DVINJRWWND | Deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury resulting from spousal violence |
Domestic Violence | Injuries to women due to spousal violence | Women | DV_INJR_W_ANY | DVINJRWANY | Any of these injuries resulting from spousal violence |
Domestic Violence | Injuries to women due to spousal violence | Women | DV_INJR_W_NUM | DVINJRWNUM | Number of ever-married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence |
Domestic Violence | Injuries to women due to spousal violence | Women | DV_INJR_W_UNW | DVINJRWUNW | Number of ever-married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (weighted) |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_FAM | DVSTPSWFAM | Sought help to stop violence from own family |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_HFM | DVSTPSWHFM | Sought help to stop violence from husband/partner's family |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_HSB | DVSTPSWHSB | Sought help to stop violence from husband/partner |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_BFR | DVSTPSWBFR | Sought help to stop violence from boyfriend |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_FRD | DVSTPSWFRD | Sought help to stop violence from friend |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_NEI | DVSTPSWNEI | Sought help to stop violence from neighbor |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_RLG | DVSTPSWRLG | Sought help to stop violence from religious leader |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_DRM | DVSTPSWDRM | Sought help to stop violence from doctor/medical personnel |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_POL | DVSTPSWPOL | Sought help to stop violence from police |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_LWY | DVSTPSWLWY | Sought help to stop violence from lawyer |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_SWO | DVSTPSWSWO | Sought help to stop violence from social work organization |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_OTH | DVSTPSWOTH | Sought help to stop violence from other |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_NUM | DVSTPSWNUM | Number of women who have experienced violence and sought help |
Domestic Violence | Sources for help to stop the violence | Women | DV_STPS_W_UNW | DVSTPSWUNW | Number of women who have experienced violence and sought help (unweighted) |
Education | Highest level of schooling | Women | ED_EDUC_W_MYR | EDEDUCWMYR | Median years of education completed [Women] |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Households | WS_SRCE_H_PNB | WSSRCEHPNB | Households using water piped to neighbor |
Water and Sanitation | Source of drinking water | Population | WS_SRCE_P_PNB | WSSRCEPPNB | Population living in households using water piped to neighbor |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Households | WS_WAVL_H_NAV | WSWAVLHNAV | Households with water not available for at least one day |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Households | WS_WAVL_H_AVL | WSWAVLHAVL | Households with water available with no interruption of at least one day |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Households | WS_WAVL_H_DKM | WSWAVLHDKM | Households with water availability unknown |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Households | WS_WAVL_H_TOT | WSWAVLHTOT | Household water availability: Total |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Households | WS_WAVL_H_NUM | WSWAVLHNUM | Number of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Households | WS_WAVL_H_UNW | WSWAVLHUNW | Number of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Population | WS_WAVL_P_NAV | WSWAVLPNAV | Population living in households with water not available for at least one day |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Population | WS_WAVL_P_AVL | WSWAVLPAVL | Population living in households with water available with no interruption of at least one day |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Population | WS_WAVL_P_DKM | WSWAVLPDKM | Population living in households with water availability unknown |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Population | WS_WAVL_P_TOT | WSWAVLPTOT | Population living in households water availability: Total |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Population | WS_WAVL_P_NUM | WSWAVLPNUM | Number of persons living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole |
Water and Sanitation | Availability of water | Population | WS_WAVL_P_UNW | WSWAVLPUNW | Number of persons living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Households | WS_TLET_H_COM | WSTLETHCOM | Households with a composting toilet |
Water and Sanitation | Household sanitation facilities | Population | WS_TLET_P_COM | WSTLETPCOM | Population living in households with a composting toilet |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Households | WS_TLOC_H_DWL | WSTLOCHDWL | Households with sanitation facility in own dwelling |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Households | WS_TLOC_H_YRD | WSTLOCHYRD | Households with sanitation facility in own yard/plot |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Households | WS_TLOC_H_ELS | WSTLOCHELS | Households with sanitation facility elsewhere |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Households | WS_TLOC_H_DKM | WSTLOCHDKM | Households with DK or missing information on location of toilet facility |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Households | WS_TLOC_H_TOT | WSTLOCHTOT | Household toilet facility location: total |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Households | WS_TLOC_H_NUM | WSTLOCHNUM | Number of households with a toilet/latrine facility |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Households | WS_TLOC_H_UNW | WSTLOCHUNW | Number of households with a toilet/latrine facility (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Population | WS_TLOC_P_DWL | WSTLOCPDWL | Population living in households with sanitation facility in own dwelling |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Population | WS_TLOC_P_YRD | WSTLOCPYRD | Population living in households with sanitation facility in own yard/plot |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Population | WS_TLOC_P_ELS | WSTLOCPELS | Population living in households with sanitation facility elsewhere |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Population | WS_TLOC_P_DKM | WSTLOCPDKM | Population living in households with DK or missing information on location of toilet facility |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Population | WS_TLOC_P_TOT | WSTLOCPTOT | Population living in households: toilet facility location: total |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Population | WS_TLOC_P_NUM | WSTLOCPNUM | Number of persons living in households with a toilet/latrine facility |
Water and Sanitation | Location of toilet facilities | Population | WS_TLOC_P_UNW | WSTLOCPUNW | Number of persons with a toilet/latrine facility (unweighted) |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_FXD | WSHNDWHFXD | Households with a fixed place for handwashing was observed |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Households | WS_HNDW_H_MOB | WSHNDWHMOB | Households with a mobile place for handwashing was observed |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_FXD | WSHNDWPFXD | Population with a fixed place for handwashing was observed |
Water and Sanitation | Handwashing | Population | WS_HNDW_P_MOB | WSHNDWPMOB | Population with a mobile place for handwashing was observed |
Household Characteristics | Household effects | Households | HC_HEFF_H_CMP | HCHEFFHCMP | Households possessing a computer |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_EVU | COINUSMEVU | Men who ever used the internet |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_U12 | COINUSMU12 | Men who used the internet in the past 12 months |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_NUM | COINUSMNUM | Number of men |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_UNW | COINUSMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_DAY | COINUSMDAY | Men who used the internet almost every day |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_WEK | COINUSMWEK | Men who used the internet at least once a week |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_LES | COINUSMLES | Men who used the internet less than once a week |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_NON | COINUSMNON | Men who did not use the internet at all |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_DKM | COINUSMDKM | Men with "don't know" or missing information for frequency of use of the internet |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_TOT | COINUSMTOT | Total |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_NM1 | COINUSMNM1 | Number of men who used the internet |
Communication | Internet usage | Men | CO_INUS_M_UN1 | COINUSMUN1 | Number of men who used the internet (unweighted) |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Women | CO_MOBB_W_BNK | COMOBBWBNK | Women who have a bank account |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Women | CO_MOBB_W_MOB | COMOBBWMOB | Women who own a mobile phone |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Women | CO_MOBB_W_NUM | COMOBBWNUM | Number of women |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Women | CO_MOBB_W_UNW | COMOBBWUNW | Number of women (unweighted) |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Women | CO_MOBB_W_MBF | COMOBBWMBF | Women who use a mobile phone for financial transactions |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Women | CO_MOBB_W_NM1 | COMOBBWNM1 | Number of women who own a mobile phone |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Women | CO_MOBB_W_UN1 | COMOBBWUN1 | Number of women who own a mobile phone (unweighted) |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Men | CO_MOBB_M_BNK | COMOBBMBNK | Men who have a bank account |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Men | CO_MOBB_M_MOB | COMOBBMMOB | Men who own a mobile phone |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Men | CO_MOBB_M_NUM | COMOBBMNUM | Number of men |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Men | CO_MOBB_M_UNW | COMOBBMUNW | Number of men (unweighted) |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Men | CO_MOBB_M_MBF | COMOBBMMBF | Men who use a mobile phone for financial transactions |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Men | CO_MOBB_M_NM1 | COMOBBMNM1 | Number of men who own a mobile phone |
Communication | Mobile phone and banking | Men | CO_MOBB_M_UN1 | COMOBBMUN1 | Number of men who own a mobile phone (unweighted) |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Households | SV_INTV_H_MED | SVINTVHMED | Median duration of household interview |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Households | SV_INTV_H_MNI | SVINTVHMNI | Mean duration of household interview |
Survey Characteristics | Interview date and duration | Households | SV_INTV_H_NUM | SVINTVHNUM | Number of households interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time |